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让这成为家庭惯例。Make this a family ritual.

于静中完成这道仪式。In the static in this ritual.

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仪式上的不洁也是暂时的。Ritual impurity is also impermanent.

这种仪式叫“放焰口”。This ritual is called "Fang Yan mouth."

他穿着正式的袍服参加了该仪式。He wore his formal robes for the ritual.

这是美国四年一度的大拜拜。For a ritual we pratice every four years.

“礼联盟”是乐队的第三张专辑。"Ritual Union" is the band's third album.

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一种诱奸还是一个战争宣告的仪式?A ritual of seduction or a war declaration?

这样你就可以进入到你早间的正确轨道中了。Then you can dive into your morning ritual.

并不仅仅是饮食上的同步。Eating isn't the only ritual that synchs up.

他在典礼前沐浴。He performed his ablution before the ritual.

他在典礼前进行了沐浴。He performed his ablution before the ritual.

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道教的仪礼空间与王朝的正统性。Taoist Ritual Space and Dynastic Legitimacy.

犹太人发誓他们将遵行在正式的仪式以后,契约被封印。The covenant is then sealed by a formal ritual.

她反对规范的宗教仪规。She objects to the ritual of organized religion.

“礼之用,和为贵”更是做人的基本处世准则。"The ritual" idea, with the basic life standard.

那会不会是撒殚教的一种仪式呢?Could it have been some sort of a satanic ritual?

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这是我们的老规矩,没人会同意这么做的。It's our ritual. None of them will agree to this.

我们在威斯敏斯特教堂看到的是一种经年不变的古旧仪式。What we see at Westminster is a tired old ritual.

荀子认为礼是人的本质。Xunzi believes that ritual is the essence of man.