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孤对电子。Lone pairs.

我是条独狼!I'm a lone wolf!

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无忌独自在丛林中。Mowgli's a lone in the jungle.

一只孤独的海鸥在空中飞过。A lone sea gull flew across the sky.

那独行客过着寂寞的人生。The lone traveller led a lonely life.

或者说一对孤对电子,两个孤对电子。or 1 lone pair, 2 lone pair electrons.

孤独的羊难免遭狼的危险。The lone ITep is in danger of the wolf.

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天气炎热,孤独的牧羊人坐着看护他的羊群。Lone goatherds sit in the heat, watching.

但我不愿意高悬夜空,独自Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night

那么我们有多少孤对电子呢?So how many lone pair electrons do we have?

一辆出租车孤零零的停在火车站前。A lone taxi sits in front of the train station.

她很缺钱,但出于对我的疼爱她一直保留那笔钱。She was short on cash, but always lone on love.

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“抚”想来只是把手按在上面。不会真的抚摸松树。I caressed a lone pine tree and lingered around.

相比较而言,孙悟空是一个孤胆英雄。In comparison, the Monkey King is a lone ranger.

这是舒马赫在2005年的唯一一次胜利。This was the lone victory of Schumacher in 2005.

如果这事儿只是一次口角,它很难说明什么问题。If this were a lone spat, it would hardly matter.

在田野这间孤屋中我们什么也没找到。We found nothing in this lone house in the field.

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终于,他看到了夕阳斜晖里孤零零站着的棕榈树。Finally, he saw a lone sunset palm trees standing.

他要做孤胆英雄去拯救自己心爱的女人。He has to do lone heroes to save his beloved woman.

那就是我们称我们住的地方为孤柳农庄的原因。That's why we've called our place Lone Willow Farm.