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他有气无力地挥了挥手。He waved his hands feebly.

我能做到这一点,我对自己说谎无力。I can do this, I lied to myself feebly.

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请问手臂无力是什么症状?What symptom is the arm feebly excuse me?

许多国家想促使战争人道化,可是没有效。Nations have tried feebly to humanize war.

夏天经常头晕无力怎么办?Summer often how does dizziness do feebly ?

靠条绳子的帮助,我们花了两个小时下山。It took us two hours to descend, feebly assisted by the rope.

那个生病的老女士虚弱地伸手去拿床边柜上的药。The sick old lady feebly reached for the medicine on her bedside table.

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“你侵犯了我作为病人的权利,”马尔科姆.史密斯无力地抗议道。“You are infringing on my rights as a patient,” Malcolm Smith objected feebly.

他顽强的手和脚开始痉挛地微弱地挣扎和划动。His wilful hands and feet began to beat and churn about, spasmodically and feebly.

脚还留在原地,无力的在半空中蹬着,帽子坠落到地板上。His feet remain where they are, kicking feebly in mid-air. His hat falls to the floor.

我们全家人为他们搭起了大棚,然后呆呆的望着他们柔弱的发育着。The whole family put up the greenhouse for them, and then we watch them growing feebly silently.

起来冲水的时候,看到一只蟑螂在大便里无力地挣扎着。I got up to flush when I noticed that there was a cockroach struggling feebly in the pile of crap.

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终于敌不过运动健将般的亮子,我渐渐无力挣扎。Eventually enemy move nevertheless like master sportsman bright child, I struggle feebly gradually.

现在这里只剩了丛生的杂草,其间散落着一些广告牌随风摆动,透出几分萧瑟之意。Now, there's just scrubland dotted with advertising banners fluttering a little bit feebly in the wind.

就这样,狼在微弱地挣扎着,那只手也无力地扳着,慢慢地,另一只手也腾了过来掐了过去。Slowly, while the wolf struggled feebly and the hand clutched feebly, the other hand crept across to a grip.

马吕斯视察了一番,正要回去时,他听见一个人在黑暗中有气无力地喊着他的名字。As Marius was withdrawing, after concluding his inspection, he heard his name pronounced feebly in the darkness.

诺维奇本有可能在第85分钟扳平比分,不过我们只能再次赞叹曼联的防守,莫里森的射门被费迪南德封堵。Norwich could have equalised in the 85th minute but, after they again prised United apart, Morison finished feebly.

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但家喜已将转业费购置了印刷厂设备无力再出钱。Dan Jiaxi already purchased cost of be transferred to civilian work presswork plant equipment gives money again feebly.

文祥还没有醒,他实在太累了,像一滩烂泥,软软地躺在石隙剜空处。Wen Xiang wasn't awake yet. He was really too tired. He felt like a stretch of boggy ground lying feebly between stones.

我突然感到一阵内疚,万般无奈地承认自己去了剧院,承认自己迟到的真正原因。A rush of guilt ran through me as I feebly confessed to my trip to the movie theater and the real reason for my lateness.