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这个绘图员描图的技术好。The draftsman draws well.

这个绘图员描图的技术好。The draftsman draws well.

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他是位建筑制图员,和我同办公室工作。He's an architectural draftsman in the office where I work.

当时,一个年轻的弗兰克劳埃德赖特曾在该公司的草拟。At the time, a young Frank Lloyd Wright was employed at the firm as draftsman.

我任职于成都机械公司,我在公司担任的职务是绘图员。I'm working for Chengdu Machinery Company. My position in the company is draftsman.

毕业之后,他在一家电缆公司担任绘图员以及广告设计员。After graduating, he became a draftsman and advertising designer with a cable company.

一位是农夫,一位是制图员,一个卡车司机,一个杂货店伙计,一个送奶工。One was a farm er one was a draftsman there was a truck driver a grocery clerk and a milkman.

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我的上份工作是在马萨诸塞州沃本的商业区,在带着冷气的办公室做一个设计实验室的草拟员。My last job was in an air-conditioned office in a business park in Woburn, Mass., as a draftsman designing laboratories.

几何的研究是训练的成功的工程师、科学家、建筑师和草拟的重要组成部分。A study of geometry is an essential part of the training of the successful engineer, scientist, architect, and draftsman.

如果你想成为手工艺人、纫工、型工或制模工,你需要代数和几何,甚至三角。If you want to be a draftsman a machinist a molder or a patternmaker you'll need algebra and geometry and even trigonometry.

为此,在新破产法草案中起草者首次提出了劳动债权的概念,并设置了相关的法律制度。For this reason, in the draft the draftsman produces the concept of labor-credit for the first time, and many related legal systems are set up.

他第一份工作是个绘图员,后来在他25岁创作了第一份作品之后,他再接再厉,将毕生的精力都放在了雕塑美上。He first began a career as a draftsman and later went on to devote his life to the beauty of sculpture after the creation of his first piece at 25.

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学院的学生白天学习绘画技巧,他们都曾经在艺术工作室学习和工作,或像透纳那样做过建筑师助理。Now the basic craft of painting was learnt in the day.Artists would be apprentices working in art studios or in Turner's case, in that of an architectural draftsman.

一般来讲,专利律师将指导由熟悉美国专利局绘图程序要求的专利绘图员绘制图样。Generally, the patent lawyer will direct the preparation of the drawings by a patent draftsman familiar with the drawing formality requirements of the U. S. Patent Office.

我们知道,您从事风景园林行业已有40年了,而且在SWA工作了38年,从一名绘图员成长为总裁,现在又是SWA的CEO。We know that you have worked in the field of landscape architecture for 40 years and that you have served at SWA Group for 38 years, from draftsman to president, and now CEO.

依我的判断,立法者的意图很明显是在‘因贮存而持有’这个意义上使用‘持有’这个词,因而也应以此含义理解公约中‘为上述目的而贮存该产品’这句话的含义。In my judgment, clearly what the draftsman had in mind was "keeping" in the sense of "keeping in stock" so as to give effect to the words of the Convention "stocking the product for these purposes.