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降低你的标准。Lowering your standards.

下放悬重是多少?。What's the lowering weight?

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他这才低下头不做声了。He was silent, lowering his head.

她抬头看著阴沈的天。She looked up at the lowering sky.

降低零售价并非万全之计。Lowering retail prices is no panacea.

扯谈,伙计,你这是投降。Shit , mate, you're lowering the flag.

低头向暗壁,千唤不一回。Lowering my head, I looked at the wall.

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救生艇收放试验。Lowering and hoisting test for life boat.

抬起重锤使艇倒出并下放。Lift brake lever for running out and lowering.

但CO2不能延缓大米还原糖的降低。CO2 was not able to delay lowering of reducing sugar.

降低购买设备的总成本。Lowering total costs related to purchasing equipment.

她从不降低标准来贬低自己。She never cheapened herself by lowering her standards.

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怎么保持压强不变,而减小体积?How do I keep p1 constant while I'm lowering the volume?

提出了降低硫含量的措施。Measures for lowering the sulfur contents were proposed.

气候监护者们的期望正不断降低。Climate-watchers are steadily lowering their expectations.

脚踏开关板具备空载快速下降功能。Foot switch board has quick lowering function when unload.

加强低密度脂蛋白降脂治疗是否安全有效?Is intensive LDL-cholesterol lowering beneficial and safe?

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或者又是离婚律师降低收费的声音?Or is it the sound of divorce lawyers lowering their fees?

为什么要下调空腹血糖受损的下限切点?。Lowering the cut-point for impaired fasting glucose, and why?

别嘌呤醇是一种合适的长期降尿酸药物。Allopurinol is an appropriate long term urate lowering therapy.