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马奎兹是个比帕奎奥更好的拳手,但帕奎奥的拳更有杀伤力。Lets face it, JMM is abetter boxer than Pac, but Pac has abetter punch than JMM.

艾睿电子是亚太地区领先的元器件分销商之一。Arrow Asia Pac is one of Asia-Pacific's leading electronic component distributors.

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既然我们已经找到了太空入侵者,大卫,我们肯定也要来找找小精灵吧。But where you find space invaders, surely David we're going to find Pac Man as well.

本研究提出了酸溶微波热解从粉煤灰中制取PAC的方法。Preparation of PAC from flyash by acid dissolution and microwave pyrolysis was given in this paper.

PAC的基础设施及其他各型设备预计于2007年底完成。Infrastructure at PAC along with various other facilities is planned to be completed by end of 2007.

PAC模型可最大限度地降低泛化带来的错误,这就是为什么它被称为“概率近似正确”的原因。The PAC model allows minimizing such generalization errors which is why it is considered “approximately correct”.

论文通过测定分子量分布的手段来考察混凝和粉末活性炭去除有机物的效果。The effect on removal of organics by coagulation and PAC was evaluated by means of determining distribution of MWC.

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它们的贪食和巨口使他们和其他角蛙在宠物市场上赢得了“吃豆蛙”的外号。Their ravenous appetite and huge mouths have earned them and other horned frogs the pet-trade nickname "Pac Man frogs."

二段溶出过程中可以根据不同的盐基度要求控制铝酸钙的加入量。For the second step, the adding amount of calcium aluminate can be controlled according to the different basicity of PAC.

介绍了基于SST89系列单片机可编程计数器阵列所开发的一种用于纺织机械的智能测速仪表。This paper is concerned with the design of an intelligent tachometer used for textile machinery based on SST89 MCU s PAC.

在竞争残酷无情的80年代,对于那些希望躲过恶意兼并的公司来说,帕克曼防卫之类的战略手段太重要了。The out-throat 1980s made strategies like Pac Man defense essential to companies who wanted to survive a hostile takeover.

中小造纸厂废水处理常用PAC作混凝剂,PAM作助凝剂。The wastewater from medium-sized and small-sized papermaking plants is often treated with PAC coagulant and PAM flocculant.

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固体产品应避免潮湿,开包即用,避免在空气中吸湿,但潮湿后仍可使用,药效不变。Solid PAC should be stored in dry and aeration area , to avoid moisture , if the products get damp, it would not influence use.

通过对里伍铜矿的工艺矿物学研究,采用新型高效捕收剂PAC提高里伍铜矿选矿工艺指标。Based on process mineralogical study of copper ore, the floatation index of Liwu Copper Mine is advanced by using collector PAC.

本实验使用PAC作为絮凝剂,对染纱厂牛仔布染织过程中所产生的靛蓝染料废水进行了相应的处理。The Indigotin dye wastewater was treated by PAC as a flocculant, the optimum conditions were determined by orthogonal experiment.

结果表明,无机高分子絮凝剂PAC和PASS各方面处理效果都优于AS和FC无机小分子絮凝剂。The result indicated that inorganic high polymer flocculants PAC and the PASS surpass AS and the FC inorganic small member flocculants.

另外,酸性、好氧条件和高分子助凝剂的使用可显著增强化学沉淀法的除氰能力。In addition, low pH and high pE condition with dosing the FeSO4 with PAC have the positive effect for the chemical precipitation method.

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这位俄勒冈州的前大西洋赛区年度最佳球员已经成为了在关键时刻也不会怯场的得分利器。The former Pac 10 Conference Player of the Year while at Oregon State has become a scoring threat who does not shy away from big moments.

论文以兆瓦级直驱式风力发电机组为基础,研究和设计了基于PAC的风力发电机组控制系统。The control system of wind turbine based on PAC is researched and designed on the basis of MW-level direct-driven wind turbine in this thesis.

通过烧杯实验、模型实验和生产性试验比较了复合铝铁与硫酸铝对低温低浊水的除浊效果。Through beaker experiment, model experiment and practical experiment, the purification effects of PAFC and PAC were compared with one another.