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多萝西娅认为这是一个美好的允诺。Dorothea seized this as a precious permission.

多萝西娅本人从未想过她比别的女人更值得赞美。Dorothea herself had no dreams of being praised above other women.

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多萝西娅发现自己这么胡思乱想,不免有些脸红。Dorothea felt rather ashamed as she detected herself in these speculations.

他继续与多萝西娅的小屋根据她的计划。He continues collaborating with Dorothea on the cottages according to her plans.

多萝西娅很高兴,和他们两个设置为工作把计划付诸行动。Dorothea is delighted, and the two of them set to work on putting the plan into action.

美国内战期间,为联邦军队服务的女护士主管人是多罗西亚,迪克斯。The superintendent of women nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War Dorothea Dix.

多萝西娅邵氏为71岁和将近失明,而她选择了独自生活,远离人民。Dorothea Shaw is 71 years old and nearly blind, and she chose to live alone far away from people.

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就像许多画作一般,桃乐丝兰格的照片能够陈述一个故事,它常常传达出强力的社会讯息。Like many paintings, Dorothea Lange's photographs tell a story, often sending a powerful social message.

多萝西娅只需要一个翡翠戒指和一个手镯匹配自己和允许西莉亚采取休息。Dorothea takes only an emerald ring and a matching bracelet for herself and allows Celia to take the rest.

有迹象表明多萝西娅可以较好的效果很好的作品,集中在日常生活和普通。There are hints that Dorothea can better effect good works by concentrating on the everyday and the ordinary.

她的父亲于桃乐丝12岁时离家出走,因而她的妈妈必须外出工作,刚开始身任图书馆员,后来成为一位社工。Her father abandoned the family when Dorothea was 12, and her mother went to work, first as a librarian and then as a social worker.

第三章集中讨论爱略特如何以多萝西娅和高思一家所代表的“人性宗教”精神作为对消费社会日渐冷漠的社会关系的反应。Chapter III focuses on the theme of Religion of Humanity embodied by Dorothea and the Garth family as George Eliot"s response to the estranging universe."