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我们漂向了下游。We had drifted downstream.

鲑鳟鱼斜向地顺流而下。The trout angled downstream.

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独木舟顺流而下。The canoe floated downstream.

溪流迂回地向下游流去。The stream braids downstream.

奢华旅游业江河日下。Luxury travel is going downstream.

我住长江头,君住长江尾。I live upstream and you downstream.

下游的问题——何为对的技术?Downstream Problem – what is the right tehnology?

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洪水之后下游的水流很急。The downstream current was swift after the flood.

我住长江头,君住长江尾.I live upstream and you downstream by Yangtze Blue.

小船顺江漂流而下。The small boat was driven by the current downstream.

他们想阻止中国再在下游修建大坝。They want to stop China building any more downstream.

SOX9可能是SRY的一个下游基因,起着承前启后的作用。SOX9 is a downstream gene of SRY and plays pivot roles.

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下游用户是否有预注册义务?Does a downstream user have pre-registration obligations?

我们需要同时考虑上行和下行视图。We need to consider both the upstream and downstream view.

下游用户能否参加物质信息交流论坛并分享数据?Can a downstream user participate in a SIEF and share data?

我还是头一次从那座桥那儿沿河往下游走。This was the first time I went downstream from that bridge.

冰川的消融威胁着下游的农业。The retreat of the glaciers threatens agriculture downstream.

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泄漏发生在黄石国家公园下游。The spill happened downstream from Yellowstone National Park.

横流对通道下游孔内流场影响较大。The cross-flow influence the flow field of downstream outflow.

接下来的路更像是一条河,轻柔地拉着我顺流而下。And the road ran more like a river, gently tugging me downstream.