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这是一个语文学调查有关的原始文字。It is a philological inquiry concerning the original text.

这是反对的语言学和神话的学校。It is opposed by the Philological and Mythological schools.

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但是任何事情都是有利有弊的,这实际上是一个哲学的思考。Every coin has two sides, this in fact is a philological thinking.

汉和辞典是日本语文词典的一个主要门类。Kanwa dictionary is a main kind of Japanese philological dictionary.

阅读教学是语文教学的重要组成部分。And reading teaching is one of the important parts of philological teaching.

孙诣让是清末著名的经学家、古文字学家,与俞樾、章太炎并称清末三学者。Sun Yirang is a famous philological and ancient literal scholar in late Qing Dynasty.

阅读教学模式的改革与选择是语文教改的重要课题。To reform and select a reading teaching pattern is an important task of philological teaching reform.

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巴赫金的语言学理论是一种批判理论,它建立在对弗洛伊德主义和形式主义批判的基础之上。Bakhtin' s philological theory is a critical theory, which is built on the criticism of Freudism and Formalism.

福勒也是经美国和加拿大语言学校认证的253所学校之一。Folar is one of 253 schools acquainted by the association of philological schools in the United States and Canada.

基于语言学和古文书学证据,他推论它的日期大约是公元后第三世纪末。On the basis of philological and paleography evidence, he concluded its date is about the end of the third century A.

而无论古体还是近体小说,其中都有大小不等的文献价值和文学价值,我们不能不予以重视。Both ancient and modern-style novels have their philological and literature value to some extent, which should not be ignored.

作为唐末诗歌批评中幸存至今的唯一的一部诗句图著作,其丰富的文献内涵,足以说明了它的重要价值。As the only survival of poetical writings of late Tang dynasty, its profound philological connotation proves itself most valuable.

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最后指出,为了推动语言学的基础理论建设,有必要将有关讨论进一步引向深入。This author points out that it is necessary to discuss this problem more deeply so as to promote the philological theory construction.

我们可以从历史学的、教育学的、社会学和文化学的、文献学的维度来研究教科书。It owns self characteristic. We can research a textbook from historical, pedagogical, sociological, ethnological and philological latitudes.

高级英语对于语文思维能力的培养在教学对象以及教学内容和方式上有其他课程不可比拟的优势。As to the developing of philological thinking ability, Advanced English has many incomparable advantages in its teaching than any other course.

从汉儒到唐儒,对儒家经典的研究逐步从章句训话向义理阐释转化。From the Han- Confucians to Tang- Confucians , the philological exegesis changed gradually to the philosophical study on the Confucian classics.

在新世纪里,易经文献整理如何发展和继续,这是从事易学研究的文献学者需要首先思考的问题。In the 21rt century, it is the first question to be thought for the philologist to develop the philological study of Yijing and other ancient books.

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在新世纪里,易经文献整理如何发展和继续,这是从事易学研究的文献学者需要首先思考的问题。In the 21th century , it is the first question to be thought for the philologist to develop the philological study of Yijing and other ancient books.

本文主要依据相关文献著录,稽考梳理了颜延之佛学著述的篇目、真伪以及存世情况。In this paper, based upon the philological catalog, investigates the table of contents, the items and the authenticity of Yan Yanzhi's Buddhism writings.

我父亲在莫斯科大学研读语言学科目,在1914年第一次世界大战暴发的时候,他未能完成学业即作为志愿兵入伍。My father had studied philological subjects at Moscow University, but did not complete his studies, as he enlisted as a volunteer when war broke out in 1914.