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“纳西古乐”是什么东西?。What is Naxi Archaic Music?

汝是你的过去用法。Thee is an archaic form of you.

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一个失传了的古字。PROFIT-An archaic word no longer in use.

陈旧古老的寺庙,斑驳残破的神像。Archaic temples, mottled wreck of the gods.

我们的调节措施会分为几个行不通的部分。we have regulation divided up in crazy archaic ways.

现代的潮语系由古闽南语所演化而成。Modern Teochew evolved from the more archaic Min-Nan.

爱国旗帜在呆板地展示古代的盛况?Patriotic bunting as a frigid display of archaic pomp?

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在巴西,古老的森冧保存十分俒好。In Brazil, many archaic forests are very well preserves.

在一个方面,驳船与小船是十分古老的。On one level, the barge and the skiffs are very archaic.

它是在古风时代初期通过“居地统一”运动确立的。It was established by synoecism early in the Archaic period.

一些寺庙,如归元禅寺,代表古老的宗教。Some temples such as Guiyuan Templerepresent archaic religion.

古代宗教狂热的本质,就是代罪羔羊的机制。The essence of archaic religiosity is the scapegoat mechanism.

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这栋旧房子内惟一的供热来源是个古老的煤炉。Thesource of heat in this old house was an archaic coal stove.

绞刑是一种残忍的杀人方法。Hanging is an atrociously archaic way of killing a human being.

彩塑是中国最古老的民间艺术之一。Painted sculpture is one of the most archaic folk art in China.

收藏古体的石碑、罗马皇帝的肖像和陶器。Collect archaic stele , portraits of Roman emperors, and pottery.

这段"古风时期"大概是,从公元前七百五十年到公元前五百年This Archaic Period is roughly speaking about 750 B.C.To 500 B.C.

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这栋旧房子内惟一的供热来源是个古老的煤炉。The only source of heat in this old house was an archaic coal stove.

在"古风时期",发生的事情有以下一些During this Archaic Period,some of the things that happened are these.

哈迪满是那样奇特有趣的哥特式想法,古代措辞和想象力。Hardy is full of all those quaint gothic, archaic dictions and fancies.