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在神没有查不出的罪或秘密。There are no unsolved mysteries or crimes with God.

这宗谜案也可能和许多其他网络悬案一样,成为人们心中永远的问号。That hacking mystery, like so many others, may go unsolved.

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虽然他一再解释疑团仍然存在。The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations.

淹城的主人究竟是谁,目前还是一个谜。Who ruled Yancheng is a riddle which remains unsolved even now.

有奇特的无字天书星象图,留下了无数的不解之谜。These unique round impressions have remained an unsolved mystery.

一个有奖擂台问题一直没有解决。A rewarded emulation problem has remained unsolved for a long time.

我恨所有人,上天不公平,对与我来说人是一种猜不透的动物。I hate everyone, God is not fair with me, who is a kind of unsolved animal.

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单纯枚举归纳问题到今天依旧是悬案。The problem of induction by simple enumeration remains unsolved to this day.

现代宇宙学的确展现了很多科学未解之迷。Modern cosmology does show that there are so many unsolved mysteries to sciences.

“这是长距离飞行的不解之谜之一,”克拉森说。"This is one of the unsolved mysteries of long-distance flights, " Klaassen said.

SCAP基因缺陷型及其胆固醇水平异常,并提出了尚待解决的问题。SCAP and abnormal cholesterol level, et al. These suggested some unsolved questions.

斜拉索由于其几何非线性,其精确解尚未解决。Due to geometric nonlinearity, the precise solution to stayed cables remains unsolved.

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最后说明了课题中尚待解决的问题和今后努力的方向。In the end the unsolved problem and going-on direction of this research are illustrated.

最后总结了本文的研究成果,同时提出了研究中的不足和待解决的问题。Finnally, we summarize the done works, and list some disadvantages and unsolved problems.

术中知晓是全身麻醉中尚待解决的一个课题。Intra-operative awareness is a problem which is still unsolved during general anesthesia.

然而究竟是什么原因促使蜜蜂飞到野外死亡的问题还没有得到解决。Still unsolved is what makes the bees fly off into the wild yonder at the point of death.

在亚利桑那州,面对凤凰传回的数据,史密斯的团队将注意力转移到了一个仍未解决的问题上。In Arizona, Smith's team is turning its attention to an unsolved puzzle in the Phoenix data.

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现在解决问题很难,好多问题一拖就是好长时间。Today it's very difficult to solve problems and many have remained unsolved for a long time.

警方认为这次突袭行动也许能为英国多起重大刑案提供线索。Police hope the raids can reveal further clues to several of Britain's major unsolved crimes.

这些研究纲领在自己发展的任何阶段上,都有未解决的问题和未消化的反常。Each of them, at any stage of its development, has unsolved problems and undigested anomalies.