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真残忍。It's cruel.

战争是残酷无情的。War is cruel.

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而且也同样是残酷的。And it's also cruel.

被诅咒的人是残忍的。The cursed are cruel.

永诀了,残酷的世界啊。Good-bye, cruel world.

这个女人真残忍!HOW cruel the woman is!

我既狡诈又残酷。I am cunning and cruel.

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你太狠心了,的确太狠心了!You are cruel, cruel indeed!

但这样不人道,而且残忍。But that's inhuman and cruel.

残酷的男孩竟用石头打那条狗。The cruel boy stoned the dog.

一个残酷的词句可能折损一条生命。A cruel word may wreck a life.

你不能不说一句伤害人的话。You cannot unsay a cruel word.

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残酷的规矩还不如没有规矩。Better no rule than cruel rule.

但我从不对普路托施暴。But I was never cruel to Pluto.

狠毒的疯子,谁不怕?Cruel bedlamite, who no afraid?

让我为我残忍的命运垂泪。Let me weep over my cruel fate.

独夫们是凶暴的,但百姓是善良的。Men are cruel but Mper is kind.

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贫穷是一头残忍的野兽。Poverty is a cruel wild animal.

他的话听起来又冷又残酷。His words sounded cool and cruel.

用日光残忍的灼烧我的肌肤?The cruel daylights upon my skin?