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小时候,妈妈对我讲。Mom told me in my childhood.

要追溯到你的童年?Going back to your childhood?

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我的童年是个恶梦。My childhood was a nightmare.

明明是我的乳名。Mingming is my childhood name.

我十分怀恋我的童年。I think fondly of my childhood.

他是我童年时的玩伴。He was my playmate in childhood.

是一个令人伤心地童年。It was a traumatising childhood.

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他们是青梅竹马。They were childhood sweethearts.

这使得许多人的儿时梦想成真!It`s a childhood dream come true.

您孩提时代的乳名是什么?What was your childhood nickname?

我的童年是在单调乏味、毫无意外的日子中度过的。I lived a surprise-free childhood.

我的童年是和婶婶度过的。I spent my childhood with my aunt.

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她总怀念她的欢乐的童年。She clings to her happy childhood.

本正在看苏海的全家福照片。This is the photo of my childhood.

寻回童年的记忆。Retrieving the memory of childhood.

于是,想起小时候,想起母亲常说的话。This made me think of my childhood.

这正是正常童年的写照。An ideal picture of normal childhood.

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我在孩提时常常养羊。I used to keep sheep in my childhood.

飞雪知道,我从小浪迹江湖。She knew I'd drifted since childhood.

记得童年的呼拉圈吗?Remember the hula hoop from childhood?