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非吸烟者是可取的。Non-smoker is preferable.

不公正比全面毁灭来得好。Injustice is preferable to total ruin.

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普洱茶适宜存放怎样的环境下呢?What kind of environment is preferable?

可是知识总比无知更为可取。But knowledge is preferable to ignorance.

有发动机孔探经验者优先。Engine borescope experience is preferable.

越是有名望的学校,选择偏向性越大。The more prestigious, the more preferable.

前者最好的方法是凯门鳄。The former method is preferable with caimans.

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现成的或预先开发的脚本是可取的。Readymade or pre developed scripts are Preferable.

有时尚杂志美编经验者优先。Experience in Fashion magazine design is preferable.

为什么营养补充素要比药物好呢?。Why are nutritional supplements preferable to drugs?

老实说,即便去看着油漆变干也会更令你喜欢去做。Frankly, watching paint dry would have been preferable.

如果被流放到这个国家,我宁可去死。Death would be preferable to banishment in such a country.

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我发现后一种解决方案通常更好一些。I have found that the latter solution is often preferable.

普陀区地理位置优越。Putuo District possesses a preferable geographic location.

有国际酒店工作背景者优先。Preferable with 1yr international hotel working experience.

大专及以上学历,酒店管理专业者优先。College or above education and preferable in Hotel industry.

培训授课能力强,有英语交流能力尤佳。Good command of training skill, English skill is preferable.

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无用的奥术力量总比没有奥术力量要好。Useless arcane power is still preferable to no arcane power.

在这样一个艰难的岁月中,还是在菜地里劳作更划算一些。At a time of hardship, working on a vegetable patch is preferable.

这样的决定对我个人而言可能更好,但我觉得我没有权利去‘抛弃苏共’。Such a decision might well have been preferable for me personally.