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研究者们在基于血液的探索中已经失败过。Researchers have tried unsuccessfully to use blood.

菲奥莉娜女士去年曾竞选参议员失利。Ms Fiorina ran unsuccessfully for the Senate last year.

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一个小时之后,我的助产士试着把我从浴盆里哄出来,但没有成功。An hour later, my midwife tried unsuccessfully to coax me out of the tub.

北京在本世纪初试图从俄罗斯引进苏-33未果。Beijing unsuccessfully tried to buy Su-33s from Russia early this decade.

欧唐尼尔,这位所谓的局外人,在2006年和2008年均在参议院竞选中落败。O'Donnell, the perceived outsider, ran unsuccessfully for the Senate in 2006 and 2008.

我有不少朋友都在塔楼附近上班,我试着和他们联系,但都没有成功。Other friends were working near the towers, and I tried to reach them, unsuccessfully.

1758年7月,英国军队没能成功攻击堡垒,并遭受了重大的伤亡。In July 1758, British forces unsuccessfully attacked the fort, suffering heavy casualties.

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他们也提到,他们的父母没能成功地从政府手里接回他们。They also said that their parents had unsuccessfully tried to reclaim them from the state.

当她的朋友遭到攻击时,赫罗德试图将这个灵长类动物从她的朋友身上弄下来,但是没有成功。While her friend was being attacked, Herold unsuccessfully tried to pull the primate off her.

维尔娜的面孔由于气愤迅速的扭曲了,她甚至无法流利的回答。Vierna's face screwed up weirdly and she stammered unsuccessfully at her first attempts at a reply.

迪斯尼集团拥有美国体育巨头ESPN也参与了拍卖,但无功而返。The Disney-owned American sports giant ESPN was also involved in the auction, albeit unsuccessfully.

邯郸学步比喻模仿别人不成,反而丢掉了自己原有的本事。It refers to a person unsuccessfully imitating someone else, and losing his own skills in the process.

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在这之前,笛卡儿一直在寻找确定性,先是在书本里,然后是在人群中,但均未成功。Descartes had unsuccessfully searched for certainty, first in the world of books, and then in the world of men.

我和另一个孩子谈过话,他怎么也学不会游泳,而且被从水里拖出来时已不像个样子。I talked with one boy who tried unsuccessfully to swim and was in bad shape when he was pulled out of the lake.

Sucre靠在院子的电话亭上,没有能够成功地从芝加哥医院打听到有关Abruzzi的消息。Sucre leans on the yard phones, unsuccessfully trying to get information about Abruzzi from a Chicago hospital.

士兵们企图奸污她却没有成功,因为他们发现她的身体奇重无比,根本无法搬动。Trying unsuccessfully to force her into prostitution, the soldiers found her body strangely heavy and immovable.

获取或设置一个值,该值指定未成功反序列化属性时是否引发错误。Gets or sets a value specifying whether an error will be thrown when the property is unsuccessfully deserialized.

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五年前当欧盟为自己制定一部宪法的努力未获成功时,欧盟主席的职责就已大体定了下来。The president's job was outlined a half-decade ago when the EU tried unsuccessfully to give itself a constitution.

由于管理体制落后,监管漏洞导致投资失败、挪用资金等。In some time, these capitals were invested unsuccessfully or peculated because of lagging managing system and defect.

雷蒙兄弟整个夏天尝试出售由商业银行支持的问题债券也并不成功。Lehman Brothers has tried unsuccessfully to sell a pile of iffy securities backed by commercial mortgages all summer.