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天阴了。The sky is overcast.

天色灰蒙蒙的。The sky was overcast.

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天气转阴的话。When the sky is overcast.

明天是阴天。Tomorrow will be overcast.

有助于缝纫工的缝制。An overcast stitch or seam.

阴暗的天空令人感到沉闷。The overcast sky is stifling.

镜子河畔,单车驶过,阴云密布。River glass, cycle past, overcast.

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她脸色阴沉。Her face was overcast with sadness.

在这灰暗的天气里,我要做些什么?What to do this dark, overcast day?

天一下阴了下来。It becames overcast all of a sudden.

天一下阴了下来。It becomes overcast all of a sudden.

第3天的那一天,天气是灼热和阴沉的。The days were scorching and overcast.

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他那英俊的面容阴沈沮丧。His handsome countenance was overcast.

阴天对我来说很有优势。The overcast day worked to my advantage.

今天多云,天有点阴。Today, cloudy, overcast days, a little bit.

月晦寒食天,天阴夜飞雪。Cold Food on dark days, overcast night snow.

小村庄被晨雾笼罩着。The little village was overcast by the morning fog.

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天阴沉沉的,过一会儿一定会下雨。It is overcast in the sky. It must rain a moment later.

爸爸的葬礼在黎明进行,天空阴云密布,非常沉重。The morning of Dad's funeral dawned overcast and dreary.

这是天气阴沉沉的,我们有一个去踏青慈湖。This is heavy overcast weather we have a go Ta-Qing Chihu.