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联合国环境规划署的评估是由壳牌集团赞助的。The UNEP assessment is being paid for by Shell.

张世钢先生现任联合国环境规划署驻华代表。Mr. Zhang Shigang is holding the position of UNEP Country Coordinator in China.

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年荣获联合国环境规划署授“环保艺术大师”称号。In year of 2010, Yuan was given the title of "Great Master of Environmental Art" by UNEP.

联合国环境署提醒,农村地区管理和保护这一广泛的问题与之有关。UNEP warned that the broad issue of countryside management and conservation was involved.

所有的提名必须在2006年2月28日前让UNEP?川环境奖秘书处收到。All nominations must be received by the UNEP Sasakawa Prize secretariat by 28 February 2006.

但是联合国环境规划署说,长远来看,改善生态系统其实有利于国家经济。But UNEP says improving eco-systems will in fact be beneficial to national economies in the long term.

我们对石油泄漏定期监控,我们观察到的恰恰与联合国环境规划署报导的相反。We monitor spills regularly and our observation is the direct opposite of what UNEP is planning to report.

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是联合国,特别是联合国环境署把这些问题提上了全球议事日程。The United Nations and particularly UNEP have played a big role in getting these issues on the world agenda.

联合国环境规划署化学品是该署所有与化学品相关活动的中心。UNEP Chemicals is the center for all chemicals-related activities of the United Nations Environment Programme.

关于2009年全球清洁能源方面的更多信息,请访问UNEP的官方网站,查阅整篇报告。For more information about the global clean energy economy in 2009, read the entire report at the UNEP website.

与施泰纳的声明同时出炉的还有一份联合国环境规划署的报告,该报告将塑料列为最常见的海洋垃圾。Steiner's declaration accompanied a UNEP report that identifies plastic as the most pervasive form of ocean litter.

在过去的一年里,环境署将许多模拟气候趋势研究中心的预测结果集合在一起。Over the past year, Unep has pulled together projections from a number of research centres that model climate trends.

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环境署现在改称,原先的那份评估过分乐观,在短短十年间,大猩猩就可能完全丧失它们的栖身之所。UNEP now says that date was overly optimistic, and gorillas could lose their habitat entirely in as little as a decade.

环境规划署执行主任阿希姆施泰纳强调,必须投资于可持续地管理这些重要的江河流域。UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner stressed the need to invest in the sustainable management of these vital river basins.

联合国环境规划署说,这四个国家将从建立的用于预处理技术如收购拆解电子垃圾存放处获益。All four would benefit from capacity building in so-called pre-processing technologies such as manual dismantling of e-waste, UNEP said.

在环境署的组织下,中国将防治沙漠化、建设生态农业的经验和技术传授到许多国家。China has passed its experiences and techniques on controlling desertification and building ecological agriculture on to many countries through the UNEP.

我相信联合国人居署的工作可以充分受益于联合国环境规划署领导的计划,加强整体的国际环境管理。I believe that UN-Habitat's work may be substantially benefitted by the UNEP –led process to strengthen the overall international environment governance.

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加强了与UNEP等联合国机构的合作,参加了可持续发展世界首脑会议全球及亚太区域筹备会议。China has strengthened the cooperation with the UN institutions such as UNEP and participated in the global and Asia-Pacific preparatory meetings for WSSD.

联合国环境规划署说,尽管石油和化学污染正在下降,其它形式的营养污染——例如农业污染——正在使海洋富营养化。UNEP says that while oil and chemical pollution are declining, other forms of nutrient-rich pollution — such as agricultural waste — are 'fertilising' the sea.

联合国环境署目前正与潜在的捐赠者和地方合作伙伴讨论在东南亚、拉丁美洲和其他地区扩大项目成果规模的可能性。UNEP is currently discussing with potential donors and local partners the possibility of up-scaling project results in South East Asia, Latin America, and other regions.