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修正龙穴奇迹破损的贴图。Fixed broken graphics on the Dragons Horde wonder.

凯尔特巫医不能加入尊-斯盖斯部落。The Kelt Shaman cannot join the horde of Dun Scaith.

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那辆车吸引了一大群孩子围观。The car attracted the interest of a horde of children.

接着,我们对聚集成一群的媒体记者发表讲话。Then we talked to the horde of press people who had gathered.

这就是原群阶段会发生的。which of course is precisely what happens in the primal horde.

71一个强大的巫妖释放了一个不死部落以对抗一座矮人城市。A powerful lich has unleashed an undead horde against a dwarf city.

明确地说,就是联盟比部落的人数多很多。Word is that the Alliance generally outnumbers the Horde significantly.

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周一上午,一大堆人将高级法院挤了个水泄不通。On Monday morning, the horde of people besieged the superior courthouse.

奥特兰克的佩瑞诺德领主与部落达成了一个协议。背叛了联盟。Perenolde of Alterac makes a pact with the Horde and betrays the Alliance.

然后,他们发现了一艘几乎毁坏的联盟船只在部落海域里漂着。Then, they spot an Alliance ship, nearly destroyed, drifting in Horde waters.

部落才是我的人民,如果你敢挑起战争的话,我会抵抗你们的入侵。The Horde is my people. If it will be a war you bring, then I stand against you.

雷克萨,萨尔和凯旋的部落回到了奥格瑞玛,他们胜利了。Rexxar, Thrall, and the victorious Horde returned to Orgrimmar, their battle won.

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但不管怎样,对怀特来说,首先需要讨好的便是圣地亚哥那群吹毛求疵的漫画迷们。But the first crowd he must win over is the notoriously nitpicky horde in San Diego.

从这张图片我们可以看到一大群人正在过马路。From this picture we could also see that a horde of people are going across the road.

之所以称金帐汗国,据说是因为可汗在黄金般的帐篷中处理国事。The name "Golden Horde" comes from the golden tent fromwhich the khan was said to rule.

在面对一大群向前进的僵尸时你最不想要的,就是一个融掉的燃料传感器吧。The last thing you want in the face of an advancing zombie horde is a blown fuel sensor.

2创建和控制你自己的僵尸部落与这个组的肉饿不死的动画。Create and control your own Zombie Horde with this set of flesh hungry Undead animations.

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双号房间真能足够排下人山人海的新客人吗?Are there really enough odd-numbered rooms to accommodate the teeming horde of new guests?

尊-斯盖斯部落的人物们可藉由不同名称加入不同的军队。The characters of the Horde of Dun- Scaith can join a different army with a different name.

金帐汗国,亦称钦察汗国。俄罗斯人对蒙古帝国西方部分的称呼。Golden horde or kipchak khanate russian designation for the western part of the mongol empire.