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任何人都能富有。Anybody can be wealthy.

他们如何变得如此富有?How did they get so wealthy?

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有钱人有没有占便宜?Do the wealthy have a head start?

那位富翁拥有自己的喷射机。That wealthy man has his own jet.

我们不能通过花钱致富。We can't spend ourselves wealthy.

卡明是凭自己的本事发家致富的。Cumming was wealthy in his own right.

他为许多富裕的主顾设计。He designed for many wealthy clients.

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有些人认为我是富有的。Some people suppose me to be wealthy.

富有者囤积了更甜美的梦想。The wealthy hoard the sweeter dreams.

许多人就是由于太懒了才无法富有。Many people are too lazy to be wealthy.

奥巴马认为,那些措施有利于富人。Obama says those cuts favor the wealthy.

那个富翁用银盘子进餐。The wealthy man dines off silver plates.

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他是个夺目有钱的买卖人。He was a shrewd and wealthy business-man.

可能非常有钱的人可以付得起,但是,Maybe the super wealthy can afford it but

布郎先生出生于一个富裕的家庭。Mr. Brown was born into a wealthy family.

富有者是非常有钱的人。The wealthy are people who are very rich.

虽然他们富可敌国,even though they're incredibly wealthy and

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只有富裕人家才能吃得起。Only wealthy people were able to afford it.

女公爵一直强调她其实根本没那么富有。The duchess insists she is not that wealthy.

医生富有并且被人认为做着体面有益的事。Doctors are wealthy and considered do-gooders.