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从地层学上看,它们都属于白垩纪。From the view of strati graphy they all belong to the cretaceous period.

第二种测定法是古磁学分析法,也叫磁极地层学测定法。The second dating method was palaeo-magnetic analysis or magnetic polarity strati graphy.

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本文分析用图形和地址表示动态变量的分配问题。This paper analyses the constribution of dynamic variables expressed by graphy and address.

藻红蛋白从海洋红藻多管藻中分离获得,然后用扫描隧道显微镜对其结构进行了研究。R-PE was isolated from marine red alga Polysiphonia urceolata, and STM was used to investigate its topo- graphy.

文章将论述这一方法的形成、特点及算法,最后给出经矢量编码、模式织别后输出的原图。We'll explain its form, feature and its algorithm in the paper. Finally, a graphy by means of RTV and recognition is given.

麦考莱拥有财富和名声、地位和权力,然而他在传记里告诉我们,他一生中最快乐的时光就是与书为伴。Macaulay had wealth and fame, rank and power, and yet he tells us in his bio graphy that he owed the happiest hours of his life to books.

在程序设计中,对VGA显示卡的寄存器和显存直接进行操作和控制,以保证在虚拟屏幕上建立图形,并实现虚拟屏幕的快速滚动和移动。In order to scroll and move graphy on the screen quickly, the program operates and controls the register and memory of the VGA card directly.

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此外,还对生成高度真实感地形透视图提出了建议。Besides, the authors make a suggestion on how the automatic plotting of terrain perspective graphy with high level of reality can be realized.

以生态位重叠值作为指标.应用图论聚类中的最小生成树法,分析了该地区晚稻田主要杂草的生态学相似性关系。The eco logical similarity of weeds was also analysed by the minimal spanning tree method of fuzzy graphy theory based on their niche overlaps.

根据对塔里木盆地露头剖面的层序地层学研究,建立了震旦-泥盆纪古海平面变化曲线。Based on sequence strati graphy work for the outcrops in tarim basin the author sets up the sealevel changes curve of sinian period to devonian period.

卫生摄影在当前医务室宣传文化工作中占重要位置。文章阐述了医院摄影队伍的现状与新形势下的工作实践。Phtoto graphy for health played an important role in hospital publicity. The article introduced the status of photographers in hospital and the practice under the new situation.

术前B超检测两组子宫大小无明显差异,术后两组的病理诊断均为良性。Before operation there weren t any difference in the size of uterine studied by B ultrasound graphy between two groups, and pathologic diagnosises all were benign in post operation.