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中子不带电。Neutron has no charge.

中子安静了下来。Neutron is kind of quiet.

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我们可以用中子来做。We could do it with a neutron.

但是,它有一个中子。However, it does have one neutron.

锎252中子活化分析…CFNAA Cf-252 neutron activation analysis?

质子和中子构成电荷双重态。Proton and neutron form a charge doublet.

你是中子,他说,是是,我是中子。You're a neutron. He says, yeah, yeah, I'm a neutron.

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中子走进一个进酒吧,坐在吧台。OK. Neutron walks into a bar and sits down at the bar.

中子质量略大于质子质量。Neutron has a mass slightly larger than that of proton.

有时候她也可以变为一个中子星或者黑洞。Sometimes a neutron star results and sometimes a black hole.

一个超低温中子捕捉装置的剖面观。Half section view of an ultracold neutron trapping apparatus.

可怜的人,你们有听说过氢弹和中子弹吗?Poor people, have they ever heard hydrogen and neutron bombs?

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一颗中子星很微量的一部分,重量也会超过1亿吨。A thimbleful of a neutron star would weigh over 100 million tons

重氢是原子核中多一个中子的氢。A deuterium atom is a hydrogen with an extra neutron in its nucleus.

第五章是介绍了中子刀系统各子系统。The fifth describes the subsystem of neutron knife treatment system.

核武器包括原子弹、氢弹、中子弹。Nuclear weapons include atom bombs, hydrogen bombs and neutron bombs.

生产或者中子平衡,还有这是一个中子平衡等式。Production or neutron balance and this is a neutron balance equation.

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PNN测井记录俘获反应前后热中子记数率。The logging of PNN records heat neutron rates before seized reaction.

音波能量的集中爆炸从黄蜂科之蜂中子爆破工点火。Concentrated burst of sonic energy fired from Vespid neutron blasters.

讨论了中子星内中子超流涡旋。Neutron superfluid vertex in neutron stars is discussed in this paper.