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温柔的美人啊,千万千万莫再悲伤。Gentlest fair, mourn, mourn no moe.

加速着他的统治,用夏日的最温和的手。Increase his rule by gentlest summer means.

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啊,那夜色里最是轻柔的爱慕啊!Ah, that is the most gentlest love in the night!

它是在精致的木雕和平缓看到的。It is exquisite in carvings and gentlest to see.

这位老人只能做很轻微的运动。The old man can only take the gentlest of exercise.

当我们训练和关心它们时,它们就是最为温和的生物。When trained and cared for, they are the gentlest of beings.

只有最温和的面霜才适合宝宝娇弱的皮肤。E. g. Only the gentlest creams are fit for a baby's delicate skin.

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实际上她是世上最温柔、最甜、最体贴的女了。In the fund she is the softest, sweetest, gentlest lady breathing.

世界上最温柔,最好的女人被我整的怕这怕那。The gentlest , sweetest woman I know, I've had afraid of the world.

我能只应用最温和的产品这一个让我感到安慰。I can only use the gentlest products and this one irritated my face.

我能只使用最柔和的产品,这一个让我感到刺激。I can only use the gentlest products, and this one irritated my face.

让我感到欣慰的是,他说我们所做的可能是最温和的解决方法。To my relief, she says that what we are doing is probably the gentlest approach.

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即使最平缓的涟漪波涛冲上一次海岸,都会把海岸线冲下一些沙子。Even the gentlest of ripples reshapes coastlines, a few grains of sand at a time.

我总是意犹未尽地想起你,这是最残酷也最温柔的囚禁吗?。I always get enough to think of you, this is the most brutal and gentlest captivity?

女孩的大腿被极其轻柔地划过,她身子一缩。The girl winced as the gentlest possible stroke was administered to one of her bare thighs.

我终于说了一些,这是平缓的可行办法,这个文本的问题。I finally said something, which was the gentlest possible approach to the matter of this text.

乔希拿起扁板,开始尽量轻的拍打米洛蒂的光屁股。Daddy picked up the paddle and started spanking Melody's bare bottom with the gentlest spanks possible.

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我的婆婆是最亲切最优雅的女人,因此对我们来说她患了绝症的消息如同晴天霹雳。My beau's mum is the most darling gentlest woman so to hear of her extreme sickness was very tough for all of us.

皮肤学家们说,最好的一个美容窍门就是使用尽可能柔和的洗面乳--还要尽可能少用。Dermatologists say that one of the best beauty tips around is to use the gentlest cleanser you can find — and use it sparingly.

主要目的并不在于是否温和,但宁愿是最快速的制动来达到静止目的,这一点是与机组强度一致的。The primary aim is not to effect the gentlest , but rather the most rapid, braking to a standstill that is compatible with the strength of the installation.