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她对于婚姻有理想化的看法。She had poetical ideas about marriage.

淡水黄昏带诗意,夜雾罩四边。Poetical twilight of Tamsui is shrouding in the mist.

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扬善惩恶是公安文学的传统主题。Poetical justice is the traditional subject in police literature.

诚斋体的核心是童心童趣。The poetical core of Chengzhai Style is childish mind and interest.

最醒目的特征以它的诗形式是头韵的使用。The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration.

封面图片表现作者的“冻结诗树”。The front cover art image represents "Frozen Poetical Trees" by the Author.

一个真正的诗人不需被诗意所牵绊。就如苗圃园丁不需用玫瑰的芬芳来显示自己的能力。A true poet does not bother to be poetical. Nor does a nursery gardener scent his roses.

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臧克家的诗论有着深厚的中国本土的理论渊源。In theory, the thoughts of Zang Ke-jia about poetry profound poetical source in native China.

许多不同一般的散文或是诗歌,都是在他那乡下的小平房里喷发的。Many an extraordinary prose or poetical flight have I taken in his bungalow in the moffussil.

章学诚对袁枚的批判,有来自诗学思想差异的因素。Zhang Xuecheng's criticism to Yuan Mei was based on the difference of the poetical esthetics.

“可你呢,”西德尼一边忙着调五味酒,一边回答,“你却是这样一个敏感而有诗意的精灵。”And you, ' returned Sydney, busy concocting the punch, 'are such a sensitive and poetical spirit.

他们的作品有着相同的悲悯的戏剧情怀和相似的诗化的戏剧美学。Their works shared the common grief and indignation and similar poetical anesthetics of playwriting.

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“以文论诗”是方东树诗学思想在批评实践上的一个显著特征。Fang Dong-shu s poetical criticism with the text is an obvious character in poetics critical practice.

而米兰•昆德拉也是在那座浪漫闲散的城市里,酝酿出了那个美丽的故事。Moreover, it was in that poetical and leisurely city that Milan Kundera conceived so beautiful a story.

其中的“物象原样兴现”即指托物起兴。Therein, " associational representation of things" means poetical development by association with things.

苍穹、白云、群山、碧湖,流动着旋律诗意的场景,熏陶出仰恩文化的丰盈。Blue sky, white clouds, rolling hills , green lake , creat a poetical landscape and develop a unique culture.

佛经偈颂给中国诗坛带来一股清新之风,大大促进了诗歌语言的通俗化转向。Sutras Ji brought fresh wind to the Chinese poetry, and greatly promoted the popularization of poetical language.

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舒曼的艺术歌曲就如同浪漫主义时代的诗人的作品一样,富有诗意、幻想。Just as poems in the age of romanticism, Schumann s art songs are filled with poetical atmosphere and imagination.

上述三方面,标示出了“趣”作为我国古典诗论审美范畴的成熟。The three aspects mentioned above reflect the maturity of the "Qu" as Chinese classical poetical aesthetic category.

林德太太说,就好像她正在进行一次辽阔的,诗意的飞行,而且很幸运玛丽拉没有在场听她的话。said Mrs. Lynde, feeling that she was taking a wild, poetical flight and thankful that Marilla wasn't there to hear.