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位于大西洋的马尾藻海上就漂浮着大量的海草。The Sargasso sea , a free-floating mass of sea weed mostly S.

就在大海平静下来前不久,我们看见有尾藻类海草在海面上漂过。Shortly before this flatness we saw sargasso weed floating by.

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1933年,施密特去世后,一些科学家对他的马尾藻命题发出了质疑。After Schmidt's death in 1933, some scientists cast doubt on his Sargasso proposition.

那片“藻海”是一个巨大的浮动海藻群,没有人曾目睹过这样的东西。The Sargasso Sea was a large floating mass of seaweed that no one had ever seen the like of.

从佛罗里达半岛往东几百英里,大洋的那一小部分水域被称为马尾藻海。Several hundred miles eastward from Florida there is a part of the ocean called the Sargasso Sea.

欧洲鳗鲡迁移到马尾藻海产卵是大自然未解开的最大的谜团之一。The European eel's migration to the Sargasso Sea to spawn is one of nature's great unsolved mysteries.

施密特断言,鳗鱼一定是在北大西洋西南部马尾藻海产卵。Schmidt asserted that eels must spawn in the southwestern part of the North Atlantic, in the Sargasso Sea.

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我们可能发现我们已经处于巨大和过量的信息海洋当中,并且无所适从。We are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of information overload and living unconsciousness.

简单的说,如果没有专家,我们的社会将会发现自己深深陷入到了信息过盛的沼泽海中。Simply put, without specialists , our society would find itself bogged down in the Sargasso sea of information overload.

在北大西洋西印度群岛附近的马尾藻海的咸水当中出生后,它们会游往英国和北美洲东海岸的一些淡水河流当中。After hatching in the salty Sargasso Sea, the eels swim to freshwater rivers in the United Kingdom and the East Coast of North America.

这些海草堆中,它多叶,阳光滋润,她为很多生物伪装提供了场所,如红海龟、剥皮鱼、海兔和带有斑点的褐色马尾藻类海草蟹。Within its leafy sunlit masses, her camouflage of such creatures as loggerhead turtles, file fish, sea hares, and the speckled brown Sargasso crab.

佛罗里达州向东几百英里有一处海域叫马尾藻海,这里由于很少刮风,海面很平静。Several hundred miles eastward from Florida there is a part of the ocean called the Sargasso Sea. Here the water is quiet, for there is little wind.

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文特尔博士从对人类和其他物种的DNA基因排序的研究转到了对整个生态系统的基因分析,最近开始了对马尾藻海海水的研究。Dr. Venter has moved from sequencing the DNA of humans and other species to assaying genes in entire ecosystems most recently the waters of the Sargasso Sea.

在马尾藻还和百慕大三角洲都曾出现物质消失得无影无踪的情况,现在诺博士也遇到了一个实实在在这样的事情。The Sargasso Sea of legend, and its modern equivalent, the Bermuda Triangle, are supposed to be places where things disappear without trace. Dr Law seems to have come up with a real example.