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做事二心一意。One affair at a time.

你知道那件桃色新闻吗?Do you know that affair ?

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我的出轨不过是种报复。My affair was retaliatory.

那是一件平常事。That is an ordinary affair.

这件事始终是一个谜。The affair rests a mystery.

为什么她有了婚外情?Why did she have an affair?

这事不合理。This affair is unreasonable.

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他有婚外恋。He has an extramarital affair.

他被推来处理此事。He was pushed into the affair.

人生苦短,趁早偷情。Life is short. Have an affair.

要是这么样,事情会闹大的。That would blow up the affair.

您的配偶有外遇吗?Has your partner had an affair?

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这次会议开得闹哄哄的。The meeting was a noisy affair.

这工作真是很谨慎保密的。The affair was really hush-hush.

我们将调查这件事。We shall examine into the affair.

你和他有什么暧昧关系吗?Are you having an affair with him?

婚姻是互谅互让的事。Marriage is a give-and-take affair.

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这次展出将是一个盛举。The exhibition will be a big affair.

我怎么知道希腊的历史?What do I know of the grecian affair?

你最好不要去管那件事。You'd better stay out of that affair.