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但这应该是唯一的缺点了吧。But that's really the only major downside.

过度的信息通道有没有负面作用?Is there a downside to hyper-information access?

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不利的一面是那里几乎没有道路。The downside is that there are hardly any roads.

不好的地方则是丧失了一个有价值的简写形式。The downside is the loss of a valuable shorthand.

但是缺点当然就是厂商锁定喽。But the downside there is of course vendor lockin.

他表示,下档目标包括80.94日圆和80.25日圆.Downside targets include 80.94 and 80.25, he said.

正如我今天所提到的,存在着‘下行风险’。And as I mentioned today, there are downside risks.

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这是使用不受支持实用程序的缺点。That's the downside of using unsupported utilities.

巧克力对心脏健康不好的一面是什么?What Is the Downside of Chocolate for Heart Health?

但被动接受的名声也对她们存在不利的一面。But there is a downside to the fame thrust upon them.

目前高收益类股票面临着一个不利因素。There is a downside to high-yielding stocks right now.

没有这东西使所有的机甲都不能起飞。The one thing that's plaguing most of the mecha downside.

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试着告诉他们不利一面,他们也许会开始关心。Try telling them the downside and they may start to care.

而不足之处在于,这本书缺乏对话感。The downside is that the book lacks a conversational feel.

不利之处自从是缺乏支持,搜索引擎优化。The downside of OSCommerce is its lack of support for SEO.

在慢场之上,不幸遭遇滑铁卢的事,我听了不少。We’ve heard a lot about the downside of slow-court tennis.

这种激进的金字塔加仓也有缺点。Aggressive pyramiding of more and more units had a downside.

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饿!小份量的进食会让你的胃嗷嗷直叫。Downside Hunger. Small portions can leave stomachs growling.

如果模型是正确的,它就可以给出真实的下侧风险测度。It gives true downside risk measure if the model is correct.

我们认为风险依然非常偏向于下档.换句话说,仍有很多方面可能出问题,我们必须要小心.We view the risks as still very much skewed to the downside.