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当有希望的偶像选手选错了歌,他们的优势一下子就没了,他们会被限制了、或者看上去像酒吧歌手、或者非常无聊。When Idol hopefuls choose the "wrong" song, something just seems off. They're pitchy.

悬崖和山丘靠得如此之近,以致星光无法照到幽暗的阴影里。The cliffs and hills were so drawn together that hardly did the stars shine into its pitchy blackness.

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但要是外行做的药膏--一种浓稠的、只会刺痛并不灼烧的药膏--只要它不会伤害艾绍诺,也不会伤害他。But a lubber's salve-a pitchy salve that stung but didn't burn-wouldn't harm him if it didn't harm Eshono.

当有希望的偶像选手选错了歌,的优势一下子就没了,会被限制了、或者看上去像酒吧歌手、或者非常无聊。When Idol hopefuls choose the "wrong" song, something just seems off. They're pitchy. Or too cabaret. Or just boring.

当有希望的偶像选手选错了歌,他们的优势一下子就没了,他们会被限制了、或者看上去像酒吧歌手、或者非常无聊。When Idol hopefuls choose the "wrong" song, something just seems off. They're pitchy . Or too cabaret. Or just boring.

从此以后,我们就给笼罩在一片漆黑中,离船二十步路的东西就看不见。Thenceforward we were enshrouded in pitchy darkness, so that we could not have seen an object at twenty paces from the ship.

触角棕黄色,薄被灰色绒毛,柄节及第2节暗棕红,第3~10节各节末端黑褐色。Antennae yellowish brown thinly clothed with grey pubescence, scape and 2nd segments dark reddish brown, apex of 3rd to 10th segments pitchy.

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我们松脂火把的火光使四周的空气温暖起来。两个囚犯似乎也很喜欢暖和一下,一拐一拐地在滑膛枪的包围中走着。Our lights warmed the air about us with their pitchy blaze, and the two prisoners seemed rather to like that, as they limped along in the midst of the muskets.

层压复合材料是由若干层薄金属板与粘弹性树脂通过胶接固化而形成的一种特殊的复合材料,是近几年在国外迅速发展的一种新材料。The laminated matrix composite is a new and special type structure material made of different metals and pitchy stretch resin, which has quickly developed in the world.

当有希望的偶像选手选错了歌,他们的优势一下子就没了,他们会被限制了、或者看上去像酒吧歌手、或者非常无聊。要想真正的脱颖而出,选手需要选择正确、合适的歌曲。When Idol hopefuls choose the "wrong" song, something just seems off. They're pitchy. Or too . Or just boring. To truly shine, contestants need to choose the right song.

当有希望的偶像选手选错了歌,他们的优势一下子就没了,他们会被限制了、或者看上去像酒吧歌手、或者非常无聊。When Idol hopefuls choose the "wrong" song, something just seems off. They're pitchy. Or too cabaret. Or just boring. To truly shine, contestants need to choose the right song.