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光纤传感器在土木工程中的应用。Fiber optic sensors in the Waterbury Bridge.

光纤跳线、光源、光功率计。Fiber optic jumper, light, light power meter.

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我有一个16个月大的孩子,视神经发育不全。I have a 16 month old with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.

探讨超短波对视神经钳夹伤大鼠神经再生的影响。And the effects of USW to the optic injury of rats.

这是她的视神经开始发挥功能的迹象。This is a sign that her optic nerve is functioning.

光导纤维不能到达的深部肿瘤。Tumors in deep part that optic fibre cannot reach to.

这项研究有可能提高光纤通信。The research could improve fiber optic communications.

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杆式探头采用现代的即时启动光学原理。Cane probes utilize modern, instant-on optic principles.

介绍一种新型光纤非接触加速度计。A novel non-contact fiber optic accelerometer is presented.

目的研究视束MRI正常断面解剖。Objective To study the anatomy of the optic tract with MRI.

眼压的升高与视神经的损害密切相关。Increased pressure in the eye is linked to optic nerve damage.

KBP在视神经损伤后可能促进了视神经的轴突再生。KBP may promote regeneration of optic nerve axon after injury.

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内侧壁向筛窦、蝶窦内突入形成视神经管隆凸。The optic canal protrudes into ethmoidal and sphenoid sinuses.

视神经检查是唯一能够确诊的方法。An examination of the optic nerve is the only sure way to tell.

细小的光纤电缆取代了巨大的、以吨论的铜线。Thin fiber optic cable has replaced huge tonnages of copper wire.

本文介绍的光电转换电路,适于模拟式光学传感器。The circuit here introduced is suitable to analogue optic sensors.

本发明属光盘存储技术领域。This invention belongs to storage techniques in optic disk domain.

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我们报告一位33岁男性CIDP病人,患有反覆发作的视神经炎。We report a 33-year-old man of CIDP with recurrent optic neuritis.

我的女儿就视神经发育不全,我认为这很神奇。My daughter has optic nerve hypoplasia and I think this is amazing.

目的对治疗视神经管段损伤的新方法进行探讨。Objective To find a method for treating optic nerve canal fracture.