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无私奉献。Selfless devotion.

她是个没私心的姑娘。She is a selfless girl.

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这无私的奉献,令人永志不忘。The selfless dedication, a kid.

这就是白色,一种无私的颜色!This is white, a selfless color.

无私者才能无畏。Only the selfless can be fearless.

醒醒,汝无我而自由。Wake up, thou'rt selfless and free.

王洪真是一个无私的好孩子啊。What a selfless good boy Wang Hong is.

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他称赞了她无私的行动。He commended her for her selfless action.

相对于威尔的自私,马可斯是无私的。Marcus is selfless where Will is selfish.

但是,无私的您,都一一原谅了我们。But, selfless you, all 11 have forgiven us.

在大公无私的时间前面,谁也不能不低头认输。Everyone has to bow before the selfless time.

工人阶级最大公无私。It is the working class that is most selfless.

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主,我靠祢恩力,盼望能无己。Selfless may I live, Lord, By Thy grace to be.

还是出于独照坐忘的心物感应。From the empathy of mind selfless into objects outer.

他已一种忘我姿态投入到紧张的工作当中去。He doveted himself into the work in a selfless manner.

没有你们无私无畏、成群结队的来买。You selfless dauntless, have not formed groups to buy.

他无私的精神表现在各个方面。His selfless spirit is revealed in every thing he does.

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我认为合于道的君王应该是大公无私的。I deem that a king conforming to Tao should be selfless.

当孩子6岁时,这可以吸引他们的注意力和培养他们无私的爱。It takes intentionality and selfless love when they are 6.

Weiss说,一位无私的家庭母亲不会相互依赖。A selfless stay-at-home mom is not codependent, Weiss adds.