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使用人行桥。它是安全的。Use the footbridge. It's safe.

请你使用那边的人行桥。Please use the footbridge over there.

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你可以走过街天桥过马路。You may cross the street by the footbridge.

人行桥在水灾中冲走了。The footbridge washed away during the floods.

泛滥的河水冲走了人行桥。The swollen river washed away the footbridge.

该拟建行人天桥仍未兴建。The proposed footbridge is not yet constructed.

她在茶馆附近,自一座很长的人行桥上跌落下去。She fell off a long footbridge near the teahouse.

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河上的人行桥已不再使用了。The footbridge over the river is no longer in use.

那儿有一座供人行走的人行桥。There is a footbridge over there for people to walk across.

她忘了玛德尼正往这走,一下子在人行桥上撞见了他。She forgot about Mandeni coming and met him on the footbridge.

这座桥将被命名为兰迪?鲍什纪念桥。The bridge will be named the Randy Pausch Memorial Footbridge.

連接横跨伟业街的行人天桥与德福大厦。It connects the footbridge over Wai Yip Street with Telford House.

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在一条路上制造一条像人行天桥一样横跨的彩虹。Try to make a rainbow stretching across the road like a footbridge.

利用行人交叉路,人行天桥或地道来过公路。Use a pedestrian crossing, a footbridge or a subway to cross the road.

提供連接点以接驳一条横跨筲箕湾道的行人天桥。It provides connection to connect a footbridge across Shau Kei Wan Road.

我们在过吊桥时遇到的汲水的孩子。we came across this footbridge where these children were carrying flour.

行人通道連接横跨小西湾道的行人天桥。A pedestrian way passage links up the footbridge across Siu Sai Wan Road.

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你可以通过天桥去往屋顶,并坐在后院的花园中观赏美景。You can go to the roof trought a footbridge sited in the backyard garden.

横跨聯捷街,可由荣福中心前往。Footbridge across Luen Chit Street and is accessible from Wing Fok Centre.

一座临时的步行桥从1941到1968年间供人们使用着,后来被一个新的桥所代替了。A temporary footbridge served from 1941 to 1968 when a new structure was approved.