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城市景观是一种文化现象,是人们内在精神需求的外在反映。Townscape is a cultural phenomenon and a reflection of human spiritual demanding.

19世纪70年代,一个新的关注是建筑中现有的城镇风景被唤起。By the 1970s, a new respect for the place of buildings within the existing townscape arose.

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旅游者往往是从每天的经历中去看风景和城镇风景的个别的特征。Tourists tend to visit features of landscape and townscape which separate them off from everyday experience.

高山市镇厅的木制前厅,是日本保存最完好的传统的市容。The wooden fronts of the townhouses of Takayama, which has the best-preserved traditional townscape in Japan.

为帮助城市景观分析,本文提出了一个城市景观综合评价框架。A comprehensive townscape evaluation framework, which has potential and wide applicability is also established.

并提出了建立城市大景观所必须遵照的一些原则及途径。The essay also includes discussions on the principles and several procession methods of building general townscape.

对于城市风貌,历来多采用定性描述的方法进行研究和评价。Methods of qualitative description have constantly been applied to the research and evaluation on townscape feature.

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这两座城市呈现出的独特的建筑与文化景观在东亚及东南亚其他地区绝无仅有。The two towns constitute a unique architectural and cultural townscape without parallel anywhere in East and Southeast Asia.

它独特的镇区保存十分完美,表现了两种截然不同的文化传统的融合。Its unique, remarkably well-preserved townscape illustrates a key stage in the blending of these two distinct cultural traditions.

对城镇形态的阅读,就是为那种含糊性寻找一种结构,使之可以识别、理解。The aim of reading on townscape is to seek for a structure to formulate this ambiguity and make it distinguishable and understandable.

创造美的城市是景观设计的目标,而历史地域文化则是城市美的源泉。Creating the beautiful city is a target of the townscape design, and the historical and regional culture is the source of city's beauty.

市容是低要求的,当涉及到CPU和内存,拥有出色的反应速度,并且不中断正常的用户活动。TownScape is low demanding when it comes to CPU and memory, has an excellent reaction speed and does not interrupt normal user activity.

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市容USB防病毒2013是一个简单易用的程序,它可以保护计算机免受感染的USB闪存盘,如autorun.inf文件。TownScape USB Anti-Virus 2013 is a simple-to-use program that protects computers from infected USB flash disks, such as the autorun. inf file.

提要西方城市形态学中的城市风貌区理论在欧洲国家被应用于城市历史风貌保护区的规划和管理实践中。The theory of townscape region in urban morphology is applied in the planning and management of urban conservation areas in European countries.

本文以北海市为例,分析了城市大景观的重要意义和当前普遍存在的城市景观“大”特性的缺乏。With Beihai City as an example, the authors analyze the importance of general townscape and the reason of the lack of generality in todays townscape.

为便于对比和决策,将定性描述的城市风貌用数值表示出来,就具有了特别重要的意义。In order to compare and make a decision, it has special significant meaning in using digital to express the qualitatively described townscape feature.

一旦一个笔式驱动器插入到计算机单元,市容USB反病毒扫描2013它的任何错误,并立即解决的问题,而无需用户intrvention。Once a pen drive is plugged into the computer unit, TownScape USB Anti-Virus 2013 scans it for any errors and resolves the issues immediately, without user intrvention.

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同时,通过借助当代系统理论的研究成果与方法,对城市风貌系统的基本概念、功能、结构特征进行了深入的研究。It illustrates the basic conceptions, function and structural feature in the system of townscape by using of the research findings and methods of present systematic theory.

“豁然”牌“市容保洁系列产品”对非法小广告的乱粘贴、涂写有非常好的防护作用,能根治非法小广告的乱粘贴、乱涂写。"Huo Ran" brand serial products for keeping the townscape clean has a very good safe protection and a permanent cure against the chaotic paste and doodle of the illegal adlets.

古城丽江,把经济和战略重地与崎岖的地势巧妙地融合在一起,真实、完美地保存和再现了古朴的风貌。The Old Town of Lijiang, which is perfectly adapted to the uneven topography of this key commercial and strategic site, has retained a historic townscape of high quality and authenticity.