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玫瑰不同于雏菊。Roses vary from daisies.

比喻每个人都有自己不同的见解。Views vary from ppl to ppl.

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引述与引用写法也各异。In-text citations also vary.

我可以随意改变速度。I can vary the speed at will.

毛的长度不妨略微有些调换。The length may vary somewhat.

当然,您的结果可能不同。Of course, your results may vary.

第二,给定的食物也会不同Second, as a given, food may vary.

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改变你所收听的节目。Vary the programmes you listen to.

对该裁决的含义,众说纷纭。As to what it means, opinions vary.

中国的政策为何会发生这样的转变,一直众说纷纭。Opinions vary on why this happened.

变化深度、速度和压力。Vary the depth, speed and pressure.

颜色从黄到红各不相同。The colours vary from yellow to red.

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改变文字大小、颜色和排列。Vary text size, color and alignment.

我的设计不能因经费原因改来改去。My design cannot vary with the funds.

价格常随品质不同而变化。Prices usually vary with the quality.

学生年龄从十岁到十五岁不等。The pupils vary in age from 10 to 15.

这些东西的重量从三磅到五磅不等。They vary in weight from 3 lb to 5 lb.

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它们在大小和外形上有很大的不同。They vary widely in size and in looks.

不确定,他们会抓住战俘It would vary. They could capture them.

人的不同远比你想象的更厉害。People vary more widely than you think.