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所以说,狮子,应该有狮子的活法和样子。Say so, the lion, should have leonine vivid law and look.

然而,他那好像是山羊的下半身,有一双蹄子和一条长长的狮子尾巴。His goat-like lower body, however, had hooves and a long leonine tail.

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在故居的前门旁边有一座马克思的头像。Beside the front door was a plaque with Marx’s leonine head in profile.

大门边上有一块铭牌,上面绘有马克思狮子般头像的剪影。Beside the front door was a plaque with Marx’s leonine head in profile.

用狮头作装饰的头盔隐藏了他们的逮捕者的面部特征。Helmed visors with a leonine head for a crest hid the features of their captors.

铁包金藏獒被认为是稀有品种,价格会更高。Red and leonine gold mastiffs carry higher prices because they are considered rare breed.

为了款待这位伟大的钢琴家,他的崇拜者们举行了盛大的宴会,像供奉神仙一样对他充满了敬意。His adoring public feed the grand old pianist with his leonine white mane like a semi-god.

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没人知道该说些什么,然后贾斯帕站在了那里——身材高大,宛如狮子。No one else seemed to know quite what to say, and then Jasper was there —tall and leonine.

脸部皮肤以及额头变得越来越粗厚,形成越来越多的皱褶。The skin of the face and forehead becomesthickened and corrugated, known as "leonine facies."

不一定要达到麦当娜那样的程度,但你身处太阳中心的时刻已经切实地到来了。This doesn't have to be on the same scale as fellow Leonine Madonna, but your moment in the sun has literally arrived.

任何想和狮子们亲密接触的人千万不能伤害他们狮子王一般的高贵尊严,否则必定会遭到大猫们的利爪。Anyone who wishes to make it with Leo must never undermine the leonine dignity, or they will surely suffer the claws of the cat.

他厚重的尾巴焦躁地挥动着,他全身的重量均匀地分担在狮子般的双腿上,而他的双蹄则陷入了石制的地面。His thick tail shifted anxiously as he settled his weight evenly between both leonine legs and ground the toes of his hooves into the solid stone masonry.