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浣熊吃小龙虾。Raccoons eat crayfish.

蚯蚓、小龙虾和蝌蚪都是实例。Earthworms, crayfish and tadpoles are examples.

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龙虾?情愿是香辣小龙虾!Lobster? the joss-stick hot crayfish is better!

而初夏就是品尝小龙虾的最佳时间。Early summer is the best time for eating crayfish.

小龙虾失去一条腿,就再长出一条。A crayfish that loses a leg simply grows a new one.

蝲蛄长得很像龙虾,但味道可没有龙虾鲜美。Crayfish looks like langostines but isn't as tasty.

盱眙龙虾是淡水龙虾,又称克氏螯虾。Xuyi lobster is freshwater lobster, also known as Crayfish.

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人类有46个染色体,豌豆有14个,而小龙虾有200个。Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14 and crayfish have 200.

大理石龙虾未来会有许多问题。The marbled crayfish will have a lot of problems in the future.

这是在受感染的小龙虾将获得“停留在蜕皮”。This is where the infected crayfish will get "stuck" in a moult.

本文主要研究了龙虾壳酶解残渣中虾青素的稳定性。The pigment stability from crayfish offal was studied in this paper.

肺鱼片、小龙虾沙司、杜泊羊肉和牛肉。Barramundi Fillet, Crayfish Mornay, Dorper Lamb and Beef Cheek feature.

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一只一英尺长的龙虾正在躲避一名在遁世峡谷里涉水前进的探险者。A foot-long crayfish dodges a hiker fording a stream in Claustral Canyon.

金沙河、木其河均未采集到螺和蝲蛄。The spiral vagina and crayfish were not found in Jinsha River and Muqi River.

在我们的第一次旅行中,我们目睹了引入小龙虾对稻田的破坏。We witnessed crayfish -induced destruction on our first trip to a rice paddy.

水生动物与鱼无直接联系的水生动物,如海蜇、墨鱼或螯虾。Any of various unrelated aquatic animals, such as a jellyfish, cuttlefish, or crayfish.

北佛罗里达州冼库漆黑的深水里,一只晶莹剔透的盲眼小龙虾正在游动。A blind, albino crayfish swims through the inky depths of Sims Sink in northern Florida.

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淡水螯虾看起来像小型的龙虾,生活在溪流、河流或是静水水域当中。Freshwater crayfish look like miniature lobsters and live in streams, rivers and still waters.

本文利用石蜡切片技术对克氏原螯虾触角腺进行了组织学研究。Histological method has been used to study tha antennal gland of crayfish Procambarus clarRii.

所有的节肢动物都有坚硬的外壳起到骨骼的作用。Crayfish belong to a group of animals called Crustaceans and are part of the phylum Arthropoda.