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这是一个宏大的规划。This is a baronial program.

这是马云近来的最宏大构想。This is Ma Yun's latter the most baronial conception.

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当时,贵族阶级已经有了一位新兴的领袖。The baronial class had now a fresh generation of leaders.

在柑橘林的那边,展现着一片男爵庄园的带状田野。Beyond the orange grove lay-the green ribboned fields of a baronial estate.

他们是单一的建筑物,还是指引航程的宏大标志?They are single constructions, be still the baronial mark of how-to range ?

而后现代则抛弃了宏大叙事,是一种更为碎片式的呈现。After that contemporary abandoned baronial and narrative, be a kind more of fractional type appear.

有更多的欢乐和喜悦比我听说过在大厅的丰富男爵房子。There was greater mirth and rejoicing than I had ever heard in the halls of the rich baronial house.

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我们没有那么宏大的地理场景,但我们有漂亮、自然的环境。We do not have so baronial geographical setting, but the environment that we have beautiful, nature.

西部开发是一项规模宏大、任务极为艰巨的区域开发工程。Development is a dimensions western the area with baronial , very formidable task develops a project.

在这个宏大而布满价值竞争的世界里,每个人都会寻找属于自己的位置。In this baronial and in the world that is full of value competition, everybody can seek the seat that belongs to his.

他们或许并不都能理解他们老板的宏大理想,然而,他们却忠实地执行着老板的意图。They can not understand the baronial ideal of their boss probably, however, they however the intent that trustily is carrying out a boss.

玩家越声名狼藉,被通缉的范围就会越大,甚至于整个王国。The more infamous the player, the farther their 'wanted' status can stretch going from the baronial range all the way up to the entire kingdom.

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结合这个宏大建筑独特的当代特征的原始壮丽,苏格兰人酒店是爱丁堡最时尚、最贴心的酒店。Combining the original splendor of this baronial building with unique contemporary features, The Scotsman Hotel is one of Edinburgh's most stylish and intimate hotels.

他的角色有点像男爵庄园里的总管家,他的人相当有用,他的服务不可或缺,但他的身份地位不被认为是对等的。His position is something like that of a chief steward on a baronial estate, a very useful person whose services are indispensable but no to be considered as a social equal.