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这种状态是完全不能容许的。Such a state of affairs is entirely impermissible.

这句话的实际含义是,不得以宗教的名义来干预政治。Impermissible to interfere in politics in the name of religion.

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我不认为,大家都觉得同性恋行为是不被允许的。I don't think anyone will argue that homosexual sex is impermissible.

不得以宗教的名义来干预政治。It is impermissible to interfere in politics in the name of religion.

这句话的实际含义是,不得以宗教的名义来干预政治。It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion.

形成越轨行为的因素主要有主观和客观两个方面。The formation of the impermissible behavior has subjective and objective causes.

这是不允许的,然后退回到悲观和绝望仅仅是因为他们骗你。It is impermissible to then retreat into cynicism and despair just because they cheated you.

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在阿舒拉日什叶派穆斯林做的那些不许可的行为在伊斯兰中没有任何根据。These impermissible actions that the Shiite do on the day of 'Ashura' have no basis in Islam.

“化学药品制造商协会”主张,这次转化顺利地超越了“曲线拐点”,因此是不允许的。Cma argued that this shift went well beyond the knee of the curve and was therefore impermissible.

我们说这类行为是完全不允许的,是一个在伊斯兰中没有任何根据的异端。We say that doing such things are absolutely impermissible and a bid'ah that has no basis in Islam.

因为涉及公帑资助,绝对不容许出现炒卖股票的情况。They receiving money from the public purse, it is absolutely impermissible for them to speculate in shares.

任何时候,学生道德越轨都是学校教育中普遍存在的现象。The students' moral impermissible behaviour is one of the phenomena in school education everywhere in anytime.

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今天被认为是不可允许的可能在不远的将来就变成了可以允许的,反之亦然。That which is today considered to be impermissible will possibly be admissible in the near future and vice versa.

有关法律应精确定义什么样的内容是被禁止的,从而使各方都预先知道哪些属于违禁材料。Laws should define with precision what is being banned. That way, all parties are on notice of what is impermissible.

运用路径分析方法研究运动竞赛中球迷行为越轨成因问题。This paper analyzes the formation of fans impermissible behaviors in sports competition through using the route analysis method.

从社会变迁的角度看,观念与文化对证券市场越轨行为的产生有重要影响。From the angle of social change, concept and culture exert an important influence on the impermissible behaviour in stock market.

大学生违法犯罪是少见的,但大学生中程度不同的越轨行为却不在少数。It is seldom seen that university students break the laws of crime, but the different impermissible behavior of university students is not in the minority.

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在这一方面拒绝前进,固执地停顿于旧阶段,是不许可的,是有害的,是不利于大规模作战的。Refusal to make progress in this respect and obstinate adherence to the old stage are impermissible and harmful and are detrimental to large-scale operations.

大学生群体越轨行为不仅不利于学生身心健康成长,而且给校风建设、校园安全稳定带来了一定的威胁。The group impermissible behavior of college students does not benefit the mental and physical development and threaten the school spirit and security as well.

阅读所有这些案例之后,即可大致了解在涉及宗教事务时政府行动的合法性与不合法性之间并不精准但确实存在的界限。Read collectively, these scenarios outline the imprecise but real lines between permissible and impermissible government action as it applies to matters of faith.