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他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。He remained unbending under the severest of tortures.

也许这就是一个北方大男孩的那种倔强吧?Perhaps, this is the unbending youth from northeast of China.

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大多数这些标准根深蒂固且反映出坚定的信念。Many of these standards are deep-seated and reflect unbending convictions.

公民不可随意取姓,只可随父或者随母。Citizen cannot choose surname unbending and can only follow father or mother.

这是虽在北方的风雪的压迫下却保持着倔强挺立的一种树!They stand erect and unbending in face of North China's violent wind and snow.

轻松的笔触、极简化的造型,表达了河野纹子一颗随意的心。With lively strokes and minimal shapes, Kawano Ayako expresses her unbending heart.

啊!人是多么残酷无情!不!更应该说天主是铁面无私的。Oh! how pitiless men are! or rather, for I am wrong, it is God who is just and unbending.

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使他在诚实的失败中,能够自豪而不屈,在获得成功之际,能够谦逊而温和。B. one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.

茫茫黑夜,漫漫雨季,迢迢路途,镌刻着一个孤独而倔强的灵魂。Endless night, boundless monsoon, remote journey all engraved with a lonely and unbending soul.

简洁而随意的手法,明快鲜艳的颜色,个性从些张扬!The means of unbending and concision , The colors of warmth and vividness, The space for nature.

有点调皮却不张扬,看似漫不经心的随意背后,隐藏着自由的生活态度。Piquant but not audacious , the free living attitude is concealed behind by the unbending and insouciance.

随着时间的飞逝,她的名字早被遗忘,然而她不屈不挠的精神却永远不会消失。With the elapse of time , her name has faded from our memory , yet her unbending spirit shall never perish.

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看了上面这句话之后很容易让人想起这句话“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。It's easy to remind me of the words, "I see no ending, yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending", after seeing the above.

李鸿章的信件主要分为公函和私函,公函上的字迹看起来正式一些,而私函则随意一些。These letters have official letters and personal letters , official letters seems formal , while his personal letter looks unbending.

市场的脆弱态势,使得一些通常态度强硬的改革者怀疑采取一种毫不妥协的方法能否奏效。The fragility of the markets has prompted some normally hardline reformers apparently to question the wisdom of an unbending approach.

为此,设计了一种压不弯钻铤装置,此装置有可能成为防斜打直的一种全新的井下钻具。On this basis, a new kind of unbending drill collar tool has been designed, which is probably to be a new kind of inclination preventive tool.

“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”,刚步入大学的你们还有漫长的路要走,真心祝福你们在大学能够找到属于自己的价值!Way stretched endless ahead and I'll search with my will unbending . There is a long way to go for you. We hope that you can succeed at XJTLU.

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查理和我一开始就认为,衡量我们完成和未完成的工作要有一个理性和坚定的标准。From the start, Charlie and I have believed in having a rational and unbending standard for measuring what we have – or have not – accomplished.

他在狱中坚贞不屈,表现出坚定的民主革命信念和可贵的蔽身精神。However, lie remained unbending in there, also showing his strong faith of Democratic Revolution and precious spirit of dedication to the revolution.

为什麽当今伊朗伊斯兰共和国的领袖们对西方国家的态度这麽不可亲,而阿拔斯一世和居鲁士却是以他们的宽容著称?。Why do the leaders of today's Islamic Republic of Iran appear so unbending in the West when Shah Abbas and Cyrus were so renowned for their tolerance?