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“她从未上过学,”夏巴人回答说。She never went to school, " the Sherpa answered."

丹增・诺尔盖被选中做他的登山同伴。Sherpa Tenzing was chosen as his climbing partner.

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他和他父亲以及其他三个夏巴导游一起登珠峰。He was climbing with his father and three Sherpa guides.

不过,另一名在博物馆街卖热狗的小贩丹.罗西说,薛帕可以在他的其中一辆点心车卖热狗。But another museum row hot dog vendor, Dan Rossi, said Sherpa can sell dogs at one of his carts.

夏尔巴羊毛内衬与高密度的舒适泡沫从脚跟到脚趾提出的EVA足跟楔形鞋垫。Sherpa fleece-lined footbed with high density comfort foam from heel to toe raised EVA heel wedge.

最接近他纪录的挑战者,是上个月第14度登顶的40岁雪帕向导齐旺.尼玛。His closest competitor, fellow Sherpa guide Chewang Nima, 40, scaled the peak a 14th time last month.

1953年5月29日,希拉�和尼泊尔向导丹增·诺盖登上了珠峰,这是人类首次踏上世界之顶。Hillary and Nepalese Sherpa Tensing Norgay were the first to reach the summit of Everest on May 29, 1953.

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我总是巴不得带上一两头骡子、一两个挑夫,同时在皮箱里塞进另外的“必不可少”的物品。I know I have often wished for a mule or Sherpa or two while wedging yet another “indispensable” item into my suitcase.

今年年初,在珠穆朗玛峰探险营地休息的时候,达瓦·史蒂文·夏尔巴和同伴们突然听到什么东西发出的嗡嗡声。Earlier this year Dawa Steven Sherpa was resting at Everest base camp when he and his companions heard something buzzing.

因此,默克尔的智囊团嚷嚷着将任何有关所谓的“罗宾汉税援助”都应该从文本中删除。So Merkel's sherpa argued that any mention of linking the so-called Robin Hood tax to aid should be removed from the text.

夏尔巴表示,兰毗尼开发委员会是尼政府设立的地区性开发委员会,由尼文化部长担任主席。Mr. Sherpa said LTD is a district developing committee established by Nepal government and led by Minister for Culture as the Chairman.

一名G8组织的高级官员抱怨道,意大利人真是一团糟,毫无计划和组织性,让另一个国家来组织夏尔巴电话是从未有过的。"For another country to organise the sherpa calls is just unprecedented. It's a nuclear option, " said one senior G8 member state official.

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登山组织的这位官员称,目前需要证实基帕确切的出生日期以确定她是否创造了新的纪录。The mountaineering official said Kipa Sherpa was around 15 but did not immediately know her exact date of birth to verify whether she had broken the record.

登山组织的官员称,目前需要证实基帕确切的出生日期以确定基帕是否创造了新的纪录。The mountaineering official said Ming Kipa Sherpa was around 15 but did not immediately know her exact date of birth to verify whether she had broken the record.

如果拦截这个湖的冰渍裂开,尼泊尔人口最密集的夏尔巴山谷里的几千人就有遭遇洪水和塌方的危险。If the moraines which dam the lake are breached, thousands of lives in the most densely populated Sherpa valley in Nepal are at risk from flooding and landslides.

1993年,扎西带人类首登珠峰40周年队伍以纪念祖父丹增诺盖作为夏尔巴参与的这一壮举。In 1993 Tashi led the 40th Anniversary Everest Expedition to mark the 40th anniversary of the first successful expedition of his grandfather, Tenzing Norgay Sherpa.

自1953年新西兰人埃德蒙•希拉里爵士和尼泊尔人丹增•诺尔盖首次登上珠峰后,全世界已有四千多名登山者登上这座世界最高峰。More than 4,000 climbers have reached the top of Mount Qomolangma since it was first climbed by New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepal's Tenzing Norgay Sherpa in 1953.

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自1953年新西兰人埃德蒙•希拉里爵士和尼泊尔人丹增•诺尔盖首次登上珠峰后,目前全世界已有四千多名登山者成功登上这座世界最高峰。More than 4, 000 climbers have reached the top of Mount Qomolangma since it was first climbed by New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepal's Tenzing Norgay Sherpa in 1953.

1953年,新西兰人埃德蒙•希拉里爵士和尼泊尔人丹增•诺尔盖首次登顶珠峰,使得尼泊尔成为一处颇受欢迎的旅游目的地。New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepal's Tenzing Norgay Sherpa were the first to ascend to Qomolangma 's summit in 1953. That feat opened Nepal as a popular tourist destination.

在艾德蒙.希拉瑞首度登上圣母峰顶逾半世纪后,这位全球知名的登山家的骨灰,可望由一名尼泊尔雪巴带上峰顶。More than half a century after Edmund Hillary first stood on the top of Mount Everest, the ashes of the world-famous mountaineer are to be carried to the summit by a Nepalese Sherpa.