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我们的婚姻到了一个转折关头。Our marriage was at a watershed.

失明成为我人生的一个分水岭。Going blind was the watershed of my life.

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是黑人区历史的分水岭。It was a watershed in the ghetto's history.

一些集水区将缺水。Some watershed areas will become deficient.

它成了两条河流的分水岭。It forms the watershed between the two rivers.

黄土丘陵水流域治理区。VI is the watershed aging district in loess hill.

这次会议有可能成为具有转折性的事件。The meeting has the potential to be a watershed event.

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可以认为那是西班牙足球的转折点吗?Was that something of a watershed for Spanish football?

因此,专题研究图像测量技术意义重大。Therefore, special study image survey technology watershed.

他们的村庄Narlewadi从2005年开始了集水区工程。Their village, Narlewadi, started a watershed project in 2005.

本次会议必须成为一个前后带有明显差别的分水岭。This must be a watershed event, with a clear before and after.

以孙家沟流域为例,对建立的优化模型进行了验证。The model has been tested in Sunjiagou watershed as an example.

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河溪系统是流域管理中最基本和最重要的单元。Stream system is a critical and basic unit of watershed management.

脑部分水岭梗塞有其特征性的分布区域。Watershed infarcts have a characteristic distribution in the brain.

与纽约的这份合同是该公司的一个转折点。The contract with New York is a watershed moment for Alta Bike Share.

文章试以安塞纸坊沟流域为例,通过航片解译分析流域土地利用现状。Zhifanggou Watershed of Ansai is taken as a case study in this paper.

我总是感觉新学年的开始是个分水岭。I always experienced the beginning of a new school year as a watershed.

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12月时,波亚尔科夫就已经越过了斯塔诺夫山脉到达了黑龙江流域。By December Poyarkov had crossed the Stanovoi Range to the Amur watershed.

流域侵蚀特征跟土地利用类型密切相关。Erosion characteristics of watershed are closely related with land-use types.

最后再次使用多尺度分水岭算法完成运动物体模型的更新。Finally, multi-scale watershed transform was reused to update the object model.