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那似乎非常好。That sounds very impressive.

地面部队,也令人咋舌。Ground forces, also impressive.

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伊莱·惠特尼令人印象深刻的展示Eli Whitney's Impressive Display

中国最吸引人的湖景。China's most impressive lake view.

以个人见解给人留下深刻印象Be impressive with personal opinion

它的后部也是非常让人印象深刻。Its rear part is much more impressive.

实际效果确实令人印象深刻。The effect is really quite impressive.

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有些现场演示非常生动有趣。Some of live demo were very impressive.

我是个相当了不起的物理对象I'm a pretty impressive physical object.

他的普世精神也同样感人。His ecumenical spirit is also impressive.

业余拳击比赛也同样精彩。The amateur bouts are equally impressive.

学校的考试成绩然人刮目相看。The school's exam results are impressive.

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但是他过去代表尤文出场的战绩却令人印象深刻。But his past scoring record is impressive.

射速最快可达每分钟750发,真厉害。Fire up to 750 rounds a minute, impressive.

在20场比赛中取得了另人印象深刻的43分。That's an impressive 43 points in 20 games.

书中的人物都让人印象深刻。The characters in the book were impressive.

宙斯给人印象之深使使每个奥林匹克运动会的游客都想一睹为快,甚至罗马帝王卡利格拉也曾经试图将其窃走。Zeus was so impressive that games' visitors

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在某些方面,吴起镇的学校令人感到印象深刻。In some ways, Wuqi’s schools are impressive.

好,很好,我想着令人印象深刻。Okay very good. I think that was impressive.

变压器的尺寸令人印象深刻。The sizes of the transformer are impressive.