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他来了一个快速的反手击。He's got a fast backhand.

我的反手回球要更强一些。I have better backhand return.

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我擅长反手上旋球。I am good at the backhand topspin.

注意他的反手削球。Pay attention to his backhand chop.

让我们学习反手进攻打法。Let's learn backhand attacking play.

我的意思是不只正手击球和反手击球。I mean it's not only forehand, backhand.

注意她的反手弧圈球。Pay attention to her backhand loop drive.

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请跟我学。这是一个反手抽球。Follow me , please. This is a backhand smash.

刘涛反手推杀,但球出界了。Liu Tao backhand smashes, but the ball is outside.

她身高马大,肌肉健硕,经常使得单手的反手。She’s tall, muscular, and uses a one-handed backhand.

他的对手被他一记漂亮的反手球打得措手不及。The opponent was wrong-footed by his passing backhand.

过隧道时,反向风把煤灰灌进驾驶室。In tunnels, a lashing backhand fills the cab with soot.

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我们正在练习反手推挡。We are practising backhand topspin and backspin serves.

你是什么时候开始用单反的,为什么选择它?When did you start using a single-handed backhand and why?

你在学习发反手上旋球和下旋球。You are learning the backhand topspin and backspin serves.

想办法将球挡回去,低一点就好,或再回击一个吊高球往他的反拍方向。Try to punch it low or hit another lob towards the backhand.

虽然反手表现稍弱,但是他在努力做得好。Only his backhand really let him down. But he's working on it.

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这是一个经典的双反准备姿势。This is a classic preparatory position for a two-handed backhand.

李娜以3-2的比分破发,之后又以一个反手致胜球再次破发,比分达到5-2。Li broke for 3-2 and then again for 5-2 thanks to a backhand winner.

你的反手有一点不在状态,有什么原因吗?。You struggled with the backhand a fair bit. Any explanation for that?