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这并没有抑制它们的希望。It does not dampen their hopes.

莫让批评的话,让我们失去热心。Let not criticism dampen our motivation.

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把它弄湿,把篮子挂在门闩上。Dampen it with water and blot the basket.

但这并没有浇熄他对画画的热情。But it didn't dampen his passion to paint.

不要损伤大家的积极性。Don't dampen the enthusiasm of the masses.

往脸上泼洒一点水,弄湿脸部。Dampen the face by splashing a little water upon it.

手弄湿后,将肉糜揉成巴掌大团子。Dampen hands and form meat mixture into a palm-sized patty.

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美国在冲绳的基地抑制了地区性的军需消费了吗?Do U.S. bases in Okinawa help dampen regional arms spending?

不过,如此大而无当的控制只会败坏了奥运气氛。But ponderous attempts to keep control may dampen the Olympic mood.

探索安全、有效、易被患者接受的人工气道湿化方法。To study on the safe and effective way of airway dampen for patients.

将茶巾或小布块弄湿,用它盖住面团碗。Dampen a tea towel or small cloth, and use it to cover the mixing bowl.

把一块白色的毛巾润湿,把它叠一下盖在蜡上。Dampen a white cotton towel, fold it in half and place it over the wax.

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卡介苗促进了TH1的反应,但是不会削弱TH2。The BCG vaccine boosts the TH1 response, but does not dampen the TH2 one.

不过,适量的运动可以减轻氧化应激的影响。Moderate exercise, though, appears to dampen the effects of oxidative stress.

较高的运输成本将打击海上运输需求的增长。Higher transport costs would dampen the growth in demand for maritime transport.

较高的储蓄率将直接或间接地抑制信贷需求。Higher savings rates will dampen demand for credit, both directly and indirectly.

周五,中国副财长给期待人民币升值的人兜头泼了一盘冷水。On Friday, China's vice-finance minister did his best to dampen the expectations.

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你的晚安吻就像露珠滋润着大地和春雨滋润着含苞的花儿般滋润着我。The night kiss just like dew dampen the earth and all flowers in bud by spring rain.

此外,最近黎凡特的冲突也可能会影响对该地区的信心。Moreover, the recent conflict in the Levant may also dampen confidence in the region.

这个新工具将被用来弱化泡沫产生到破灭的自然信贷周期。This new tool could be deployed to dampen the boom-and-bust nature of the credit cycle.