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流浪汉可能会向你讨钱。A tramp may ask you for money.

那个老流浪者拖着脚向我走来。The old tramp shambled up to me.

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他计划徒步走遍全国。He planned to tramp the whole country.

那流浪汉被指控有偷窃嫌疑而受到传讯。The tramp was arraigned on a charge of stealing.

一流浪汉走来向罗伯逊夫人叫穷诉苦。A tramp came and made a poor mouth to Mrs Robeson.

我'这就像他的两个流氓和凡尔杜先生。It's like he's both the Tramp and Monsieur Verdoux.

我回家的路上碰到了一个流浪汉并给了他一些钱。I met a tramp and gave him some money on my way home.

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叫花子事后才知道这个流浪汉就是当今皇上。Beggars afterwards just know the tramp is the emperor.

木桥那边传来了踢嗒踢嗒的马啼声。The tramp of horses' hoofs sounds from the wooden bridge.

大伙儿有一句没一句地说着话,谈论的都是这所收容站的站长。What talk there was ran on the Tramp Major of this spike.

不能纵容在斜坡灯下践踏潮湿露营地的流氓。Don't pamper damp scamp tramp s that camp under ramp lamps.

有轨电车的脚步声淹没了带有香波的火腿汉堡。The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburge with shampoo.

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此刻,或许他正与一个涂脂抹粉的婊子勾肩搭背地慢舞。Right now he's probably slow dancing with a bleach blonde tramp.

立刻,他或许有减慢舞蹈与一漂白-金发的重步声。Right now he's probably slow dancing with a bleached-blond tramp.

他得到流浪汉这个角色纯属偶然。He discovered the character of the little tramp almost by accident.

在这之后遇见隐身人的是一个名叫马维尔的流浪汉。The next person to encounter the Invisible Man was a tramp named Marvel.

越来越近的得得的马蹄声更加清晰了。The tramp of a horse was apparent, approaching the front of the building.

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他所塑造的“小流浪汉”的可爱角色依旧闻名于世。His charming character The little Tramp is well known through-out the world.

连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒吼。The very earth trembled as with the tramp of horses and murmur of angry men.

对于一个流浪汉而言,不论是在收容站还是在外面,如此丰盛的饭食他是见不到第二次的。A tramp does not see such a meal twice in the year, in the spike or out of it.