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那是个三角恋爱的电影。It's a film of triangular love affair.

大多数动物是三角形声带。Most animals have triangular vocal cords.

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那嫩嫩的小芽芽是三角形的。That Nennen little bud bud is triangular.

他颧骨上有一块三角形的伤疤。There was a triangular scar on his cheekbone.

告状人很胖,长着一个三角脑袋。The plaintiff was fat, with a triangular head.

桥每端都设有三角观测台。Each end is fitted with triangular observation decks.

角撑板一种三角形的金属托架,用来加固地板托梁。A triangular metal bracket used to strengthen a joist.

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画三棱柱及表面上各点的三视图。Draw the triangular prism and get points on the surface.

结果人体存在胆囊三角隐窝。Results Gallbladder of human body has triangular recess.

而且,三角债被银行贷款所替代。And, triangular debts have been replaced with bank loans.

三角网的构造原代码。Gis triangular net structure original code, Visual Basic.

连接大梁和三角孔桁梁顶点的支柱。Connecting the crossbeam to the apex of a triangular truss.

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这些三角形模式向您展示了环境的状态。These triangular patterns show you the state of your environment.

小前犁,刮茬铲附置在犁上的三角形装置,用来将茬渣或垃圾覆盖在犁沟内。A triangular attachment to a plow used in covering trash or refuse.

看到右侧EMI衬垫那里的白色三角形标签没?Notice the white triangular sticker located on the right EMI shield?

为了要开始游戏,物体球被放在一个三角形的架之内。To start the game, the object balls are placed in a triangular rack.

本文研究了三角矩阵代数上保持交换性的可加映射的结构。In this paper, the storage mapping of triangular matrix is discussed.

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由八个三角形的部分相互铰合而成,放置水平后行人即可通行。It consists of eight triangular sections hinged at the walkway level.

然后你可以看到在这三角形楔形物里的面积。Then, you can look at the amount of area inside this triangular wedge.

昆特突然发现一条鲨鱼正竖着三角形鳍朝他们游来。Suddenly quint spied the triangular fin of a shark coming towards them.