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心蠕虫感染可能导致宿主的严重疾病。Heartworm infection may result in serious disease for the host.

目的建立犬恶丝虫病的ELISA诊断方法。Objective To establish diagnostic method of ELISA on heartworm disease.

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心丝虫早期感染无症状,但检查得出来。Early stage of heartworm in most cases will no signs except you do test.

当心蠕虫测试为阴性,则认为治疗是成功的。Once heartworm tests are negative, the treatment is considered a success.

六岁的狗接受治疗仍不算老且安全性高。For a 6-year-old dog treatment of heartworm still quite safe for most dog.

有一个收集者和人们打斗只是因为人们抓了她的狗去接受心丝虫的治疗。When one collector's dogs were seized, she fought to keep them from receiving heartworm treatment.

雪貂在室外或接触室外活动的宠物可能被传染跳蚤或犬心丝虫。Ferrets exposed to the outdoors or other outdoor pets can acquire fleas and are at risk for heartworm.

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在发达国家,人们知道伊维菌素主要是用来治疗孩子头虱和动物心丝虫病的药物。Ivermectinis known in the developed world primarily as a drug to treat headlice in children and heartworm in animals.

在发达国家,人们知道伊维菌素主要是用来治疗孩子头虱和动物心丝虫病的药物。Ivermectin is known in the developed world primarily as a drug to treat head lice in children and heartworm in animals.

心蠕虫检测阳性犬应检查血中是否有仔虫,仔虫的检测通常使用集中过滤检测法。Heartworm positive dogs should also be tested for the presence of microfilariae, usually using a concentrating filter test.

除了普通的身体检查外,还可以每年去找兽医接种预防心丝虫。In addition to a general physical, you can take care of everything from heartworm prevention to yearly vaccinations at the vet.

这里并没有包括这两条犬与我们的缅因库恩猫的食物以及他们每个月的防跳蚤以及其他的药物支出。This did not include the food for the two of them and our Maine Coon cat, nor their monthly flea and tick medicine or heartworm pills.

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在看兽医前,不要为雪貂使用任何治疗跳蚤的产品,必要时还要向兽医讯问对于防治犬心丝虫病的方法。Consult an experienced veterinarian prior to use of any flea product, and ask for a recommendation on a heartworm preventative if needed.

心蠕虫病是由蚊子传播的疾病,病原为犬恶丝虫。临床症状有咳嗽、呼吸困难、甚至死亡。Heartworm disease in dogs is spread by mosquitoes and is spread by the parasite Dirofilaria immitis. Signs include cough, difficulty breathing, and death.

该寄生虫被称为心蠕虫是因为其成年繁殖期主要寄宿于宿主的右心室,并可在那里生存数年。The parasite is commonly called " heartworm " because the adult reproductive stage of its life cycle resides primarily in the right ventricle of its host where it can live for many years.

罕见情况下,迁徙的心蠕虫幼虫会“迷路”最终迁移到眼、脑、腿动脉,引起罕见的症状,如失明、发狂、跛行。Rarely, migrating heartworm larvae get "lost" and end up in unusual sites such as the eye, brain, or an artery in the leg, which results in unusual symptoms such as blindness, seizures and lameness.