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你知道温布尔顿是什么吗?Do you know what Wimbledon is?

这是他首次获得温网冠军。It's his first Wimbledon title.

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温布尔顿是伦敦的一个郊区。Wimbledon is a suburb of London.

温布尔顿是一个著名的网球联赛,Wimbledon is a famous tennis tournament

我最早居住在伦敦南部的温布尔登。I started out in South London, Wimbledon.

我想在温网决赛对阵沙拉波娃前我太紧张了。I think I was way too nervous at Wimbledon.

这是格拉芙职业生涯7座温网桂冠中的第三个。It was the third of Graf's seven Wimbledon titles.

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在体育赛场上这个理论同样适用,温网就向我们证实了这一点。It is the same in sport and we see it at Wimbledon.

整个城市都准备着迎接温布尔登网球公开赛。This whole town is gearing up for Wimbledon tennis.

手术后,我杀进了温网的决赛。And after surgery, I got to the finals of Wimbledon.

海宁赢法网,而非温网。Justine Henin wins the French Open, but not Wimbledon.

维纳斯是2000和2001年温布尔登公开赛的冠军。Venus won the Wimbledon Championship in 2000 and 2001.

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我无法在温网比赛,而这是我最喜欢的赛事。I can't play Wimbledon and it's my favourite tournament.

今年的温布尔登之行使我重开眼界。My eyes were opened when I visited this year's Wimbledon.

娜拉提诺娃在四十六岁时赢得温布敦网球冠军。Martina Navratilova won a Wimbledon tennis title at age 46.

该旅游节目因为转播温布顿网球赛而暂停播出。The travel show was on hiatus during coverage of Wimbledon.

温布尔登网球锦标赛也在六月开赛。June also sees the start of the Wimbledon tennis tournament.

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温布尔登是唯一的草地大满贯。Wimbledon is the only Grand Slam to still be played on grass.

草莓和奶油是经典的温布顿甜品。Strawberries and cream are the quintessential Wimbledon treat.

但库兹涅佐娃说,她从温网以来已经完全准备好了。However, Kuznetsova says she has prepared well since Wimbledon.