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在一家卡拉OK酒吧做伴舞演员。Be a back up dancer at a karaoke bar.

日本是第一台卡拉OK机的诞生地。Japan is the birthplace of the first karaoke machine.

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之后他们收购Bix,一个卡拉ok娱乐服务。Then they acquired Bix, a karaoke entertainment service.

我发现卡拉OK能解闷,还能把我的注意力从工作上转移开。I find Karaoke relaxing, and it takes my mind off my work.

音乐不该只是这样,它可以发挥更大的作用。Y. karaoke connect-the-dots game, when they can be so much more.

卡拉赞各BOSS掉落及其布衣职业需求分析。The BOSS karaoke Zan falling demand analysis and commoner career.

一开始,卡拉ok房里只有他是唯一的男生,其他都是孔孝珍的女朋友们。At first he was the only guy among her friends at the Karaoke place.

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那里有很多吃饭、K歌的地方,也有很多市场。There's a lot of places to eat and karaoke and lots of market places.

我在卡拉唱这首歌。我的中文的发音因为坏所以对不起。I often sing it at karaoke , even I know some of my pronounciations are wrong.

艾卜·努瓦斯街的一家餐馆,在晚市高峰前准备好卡拉OK机器。A restaurant on Abu Nuwas Street prepares its karaoke machine ahead of the evening rush.

同时,瑶台山庄拥有大小不一定的十个歌厅。At the same time, Yao Tai Villa do not necessarily have the size of the 10 karaoke bars.

在中国的卡拉ok吧里,畅销饮品为上好的苏格兰威士忌兑冰茶。IN CHINESE karaoke bars, the drink of choice is a good Scotch Whisky mixed with iced tea.

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周边是交错着的狭窄街道,街道两旁满是宠物店和卡拉OK厅。The neighboring area is a cluster of narrow streets housing pet stores and karaoke parlors.

熬夜打麻将或唱卡拉OK是春节的另一个传统。It is also a tradition to stay up late during the festival, playing mahjong or singing karaoke.

在5090卡拉OK扬声器是供安装墙,虽然他们可以独立安装。The 5090 Karaoke loudspeakers are intended for wall mounting, though they can be stand mounted.

在5190卡拉OK扬声器是供安装墙,虽然他们可以独立安装。The 5190 Karaoke loudspeakers are intended for wall mounting, though they can be stand mounted.

我经常在卡拉OK包间里会感受到这种"我比他唱得更好"的不屑。At karaoke compartments, I often scorn the singing there with the feeling of “I can even sing better”.

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Meituan和它的同行对外发售卡拉OK歌唱班以及激光枪枪战公园优惠券了。Meituan and its counterparts have sold coupons for Karaoke singing classes and laser-gun battle parks.

你好!我们是就读于香港城市大学的学生,现正就「真人骚」形式的电视节目的受欢迎程度进行一项问卷调查。We are students of Lingnan Unversity and we are conducting a research on karaoke culture in Hong Kong.

我们今晚下班后在Carl卡拉ok俱乐部有个聚会,庆祝完成工作。We’re having a get-together after work tonight at Carl’s Karaoke Club to celebrate having finished it.