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苏联军队未能提前越过吐鲁番。GPU Soviet troops did not advance beyond Turfan.

离吐鲁番不远有一座火焰山。Not far from Turfan lies the 'Flaming Mountain'.

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为这少数基督徒祷告,也愿主呼召工人把福音带给吐鲁番的居民。Pray for this remnant and for workers to take the Gospel to Turfan.

吐鲁番和敦煌文献在近代史上拥有相似的历史经历。Documents from Turfan and Dunhuang shared similar fate in modern history of China.

这三种社会经济形态反映了清朝的民族政策和吐鲁番地区的社会经济状况。The author make a study on three social economic formations of Turfan in Qing Dynasty.

就唐前期吐鲁番地区来说,户税征收存在独特的地方色彩。In early Tang Dynasty, the taxation of household tax in Turfan area had unique local characteristics.

吐鲁番夏季炎热干旱,居民饮水量很大,致摄氟量增加引起氟中毒流行。The weather of Turfan is extremely hot and dry in summer, therefore, the inhabitants drunk large amount of water.

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利用敦煌吐鲁番文献论述吐谷浑灭国后在西域的活动和分布情况。Literature on the use of Dunhuang and Turfan Tuyuhun out the country after the Western Regions and distribution activities.

吐鲁番是一个多民族聚居、多种文化交汇的地区。Turfan is a region where the multi-nationalities have lived in compact communities and where the multi-cultures have existed.

吐鲁番学最早是由国外研究者打开局面的,但是中国的吐鲁番学也从上个世纪30年代开始不断取得进展。Foreign scholars had taken the first steps in Turfan studies, but Turfan studies in China began to develop since the 30s of last century.

具体而言,本文希望通过吐鲁番出土文书,从户籍制度上对这一问题进行历史观察。Speaking concretely, this paper wants to explore the question by examining the household system as it is found in documents excavated in Turfan.

经过一百多年的研究,吐鲁番学已经成为一个不断吸收国内外学术活力的国际性学术领域。A hundred years of studies had made Turfan an international field of academic studies, absorbing vitality from other research fields both in China and abroad.

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南疆,即在地理上是指新疆的天山山脉以南,包括塔里木盆地、昆仑山脉以及吐鲁番盆地。The south of Xinjiang, namely the south area of the Heaven Mountain Range, including Tarim Basin, Kunlun Mountain Range, as well as Turfan Depression and so on.

1528年,这座城池最终被丢掉了,明朝暴露出来的软弱引起了吐鲁番更大的胃口,后者频频袭击中国西北地区,同时帝国内部的穆斯林叛乱此起彼伏。In 1528 the city was finally written off, but the revelation of Ming weakness provoked raids from Turfan into north-west China, as well as revolts by Muslims within the empire.

因此当敦煌学因为材料的缺少而面临问题意识的挑战时,吐鲁番学还是会随着新材料的不断出现而不断有新的发展。While Dunhuang studies encounter the challenge of topic consciousness because of shortage of new materials, Turfan studies still have wonders to discover as more documents are appearing.