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现在,托托不伤心了。Tod is not sad now.

死亡大约如是?Is dies etwa der Tod?

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科珀和托托是朋友。Copper and Tod are friends.

托托和科珀是朋友。Tod and Copper are friends.

再高傲的狐狸也得自己打洞。He is a proud tod that will not scrape his own hole.

这时一只熊跳进了战局,陶德救下了库珀和它的主人。When a bear jumps into the fight, Tod saves Copper and his owner.

库珀和主人最终找到了陶德,打算干掉它。Copper and his owner eventually find Tod and try to take him down.

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这对夫妻今天在伦敦法庭同意了签署离婚判决书。The couple gr anted a divorce decree tod ay in a London courtroom.

陶德去见库珀时,被库珀的导师酋长袭击了。When Tod goes to see Copper, he is attacked by Chief, Copper's mentor.

托德后来遇见了一直名叫卡帕的猎狗,他俩好上了。Tod eventually meets a hunting dog named Copper and the two hit it off.

在晚会上,一切进行地很顺利,托德确实努了力使自己配合得上。Everything went very well at the party. Tod really made an effort to fit in.

首先,阐述了托忒文历史文献的出现及整理研究情况。First, the appearance, collection and research of Tod historical literature.

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今天我们很荣幸地能和托尼·杰克逊教授欢聚一堂。Tod ay we feel greatly honored toh ave a chance to be with Prof. Tony Jackson.

杜威和布鲁纳所极力倡导过的发现教学在今天已经有了新的含义。Discovery learning put forward by Du wey and Bruner has its new meaning tod ay.

根据选择中值滤波或最大最小排除均值滤波。The median filter or maximum-minimum exclusive mean filter is selected according tod.

自从托德开始在股票市场投资以来,金钱便滚滚而来。Ever since Tod started investing in the stock market, the money came in hand over first.

地址码必须如分组密码方法那样,混淆在对TOD输入的变换过程之中。It is necessary to mix address code in transform process of input TOD as block cryptogram.

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为规避纠缠,心灰意冷的埃达带着托托和卢伊萨来到南方的亲戚家。In order to dodge entwine, disenchanted eda with Tod and Lou issa came to southern relatives.

华班查来到阿丁的卧室,告诉他诺巴查昨晚死了,阿丁认为他死的活该。China class came tod o bedroom, tell him the check died last night, od think he deserve death.

西蒙L托德最近晋升为一家玩具制造工厂的生产部经理。Simon L Tod had recently been promoted to the role of Production Manager at a toy manufacturer.