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任何的傻帽儿文件将会在视力上划除。Any dupe files will be deleted on sight.

被愚弄的人作为蠢物或工具而被人利用的人。A person used by another as a dupe or tool.

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他在一起政治丑闻中成了一名无辜的受骗者。He becomes an innocent dupe in a political scandal.

你不明白为什么他们能克隆羊而你不能复制牛。You wonder why they can clone sheep but you can't dupe the cows.

我们知道有些性犯罪者会愚弄给他们做测评的心理学家。We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them.

或者哄骗受害者更换密码和银行资料。Or they aim to dupe them into turning over passwords and bank details.

那个所谓的“捣蛋”鬼就是女人要被迫嫁给的人,一种愚蠢的欺骗。The "little horror" is the man a woman is forced to marry, a kind of dupe.

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就连酒吧工作人员也承认他们利用漂亮女孩儿来欺骗男顾客的手段。Even pub staff have admitted to using beautiful girls to dupe their male customers.

其目的,在于造就服从它们的知识干部和愚弄广大的中国人民。Their aim is to train intellectuals who will serve their interests and to dupe the people.

一位现代作家写到,“有荒谬之感很重要,但不能因此成了傻子”。"It is essential to be absurd, " writes a modern author, "it is not essential to be a dupe."

有些东西如果不进行彻底的审查验证,就很容易被人欺骗。Some things demand vetting if not outright verification, because the risk is to be an utter dupe.

而且有些“克隆”网站也经常让消费者上当,让他们以为自己以很低的价钱买到了正品。And doppelganger websites frequently dupe customers into thinking they're getting the real deal, even at a fraction of the price.

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科学家展示了可以导致热带地区疾病黑热病的食肉寄生虫如何骗过免疫系统。Scientists have shown how flesh-eating parasites responsible for the disfiguring tropical disease leishmaniasis dupe the immune system.

隐瞒父母并不难。“我只需告诉他们学校有考试,我会忙于研习,”伊美黛说。It wasn't hard to dupe her parents. "I told them we were having examinations, and I'd be extremely busy with studies and research, " she said.

他拿着那吸墨纸,不断地看,呆头呆脑地感到幸运,几乎笑了出来,说自己竟会受到错觉的愚弄。He held the blotter in his hand and contemplated it in stupid delight, almost ready to laugh at the hallucination of which he had been the dupe.

该保护器还可以拦截企图欺骗你输入你的信用卡信息到伪装为银行的虚假网站的欺骗性发布。The Protector also blocks phishing scams, which try to dupe you into entering your credit card information into false Web sites, typically posing as banks.

一种修辞工具,用于哄骗买家购买被装饰成房屋的茅草棚所支持的证券,以及确保自己的名字尽可能排在电话号码本的最前面。A rhetorical device used to dupe buyers into purchasing securities backed by shacks dressed as houses, and to secure the highest possible spot in telephone directories.

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这些站点运行得越久,诈骗者们就得到越多的机密信息,比方说银行或者信用卡帐户,密码,个人身份识别码等。The longer the site remains active, the more victims a phisher can dupe into divulging confidential information such as bank or credit account usernames, passwords, and PINs.

生活是容易的,提升是容易的,但没有重大的课程去理解黑暗,黑暗能欺骗光明灵魂,让光明灵魂无法充分地学会这些课程。Life was easy, ascension was easy, but without the vital lessons of coming to understand the dark, the dark can dupe the souls of the light whom failed to learn such lessons in full.

特别阴险的是,假冒药物欺骗患者,使他们相信他们正在服用的东西将使他们康复,而实际上却可使他们病得更重甚至造成他们死亡。Particularly insidious, counterfeit medicines dupe sick people into believing they are taking something which will make them well, when it may instead make them sicker or even kill them.